
沈翔瀛博士本科和博士均毕业于复旦大学物理系。博士毕业后赴香港中文大学物理系从事博士后研究工作。2021年10月被南方科技大学聘为研究副教授。主要研究方向为热传导超构材料、流体超构材料、非晶力学网络超构材料。在Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Applied Physical Letters等知名学术期刊上发表论文二十余篇。
1. Shen X, Fang C, Jin Z, et al. Achieving adjustable elasticity with non-affine to affine transition. Nature Materials, 2021, 20(12): 1635-1642.
2. Shen X, Li Y, Jiang C, et al. Temperature trapping: energy-free maintenance of constant temperatures as ambient temperature gradients change. Physical review letters, 2016, 117(5): 055501.
3. Li Y, Shen X, Wu Z, et al. Temperature-dependent transformation thermotics: from switchable thermal cloaks to macroscopic thermal diodes. Physical review letters, 2015, 115(19): 195503. (共同一作)
4. Shen X, Li Y, Jiang C, et al. Thermal cloak-concentrator. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109(3): 031907.
5. Shen X , Huang J. Thermally hiding an object inside a cloak with feeling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 1-6.