1997 / 09-2001 / 06 台湾台北师范大学地球科学系学士
2001 / 09-2003 / 06 台湾国立师范大学地球科学研究所硕士
2006 / 09-2012 / 12 台湾台北国立台湾大学地球科学博士
2008 / 09-2012 / 12 法国塞尔吉 - 蓬图瓦兹大学地球科学与环境系博士
2022年12月-至今 南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系 副教授
2017年2月-2022年11月 南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系 助理教授
2014年8月-2017年1月 台湾大学 博士后
2013年1月-2014年7月 台湾师范大学 博士后
1. Lee, T.-Q., Y.-M. Chou, K.-J. Lee and W.-S. Chen (2003) Magnetic Fabric Analysis of sediments from Seismic Trenching Site at Chiaorong Elementary School, Wufeng, Taichung County. West Pacific Earth Sciences, 3 (1), p. 47-56.
2. Chou, Y.-M., T.-Q. Lee, S.-R. Song and K.-R. Chen (2011) Magnetostratigraphy of marine sediment core MD01-2414 from Okhotsk Sea and its paleoenvironmental implications, Marine Geology, v. 284, no. 1-4, p. 149-157. (SCI) (NSC91-2611-M-001-013)
3. Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, C. Aubourg, T.-Q. Lee, A.-M. Boullier, Y.-F. Song, E.-C. Yeh, L.-W. Kuo, and C.-Y. Wang (2011) An earthquake slip zone is a magnetic recorder, Geology, doi:10.1130/g32864.1. (SCI) (NSC97-2627-M-213-001)
4. Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, C. Aubourg, Y.-F. Song, A.-M. Boullier, T.-Q. Lee, M. Evans, E.-C. Yeh, and Y.-M. Chen (2012), Pyrite alteration and neoformed magnetic minerals in the fault zone of the Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw 7.6, 1999): Evidence for frictional heating and co-seismic fluids, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q08002, doi:10.1029/2012GC004120. (SCI) (NSC 97-2627-M-213-001)
5. Tsao, T.-M., Wang, Y.-N., Chen, Y.-M., Chou, Y.-M., Wang, M.-K., (2013), Automated Ultrafiltration Device for Environmental Nanoparticle Research and Implications: A Review, Micromachines, 4, 215-231, doi:10.3390/mi4020215. (SCIE).
6. Tsao, T.-M., Chen, Y.-M., Sheu, H.-S., Tzou, Y.-M., Chou, Y.-M., Wang, M.-K., (2013), Separation and identification of soil nanoparticles by conventional and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Appl. Clay Sci., 85, 1-7, doi:10.1016/j.clay.2013.09.005. (SCI)
7. Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, T.-M. Tsao, C.-S. Lin, M.-K. Wang, J.-J. Lee, and F.G. Chen (2014), Identification and Tectonic Implications of Nano-particle Quartz (<50 nm) by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction in the Chelungpu Fault Gouge, Taiwan, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.07.021. (SCI) (NSC 97-2627-M-213-001)
8. Liu, D.-L., H.-B. Li, T.-Q. Lee, Y.-M. Chou, S.-R. Song, Z.-M. Sun, M.-L. Chevalier, and J.-L. Si (2014), Primary rock magnetism for the Wenchuan earthquake fault zone at Jiulong outcrop, Sichuan Province, China, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.teco.2013.08.028. (SCI)
9. Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, C. Aubourg, T.-Q. Lee, Y.-F. Song, and E.-C. Yeh (2014), Quantitative Modeling of the Newly Formed Magnetic Minerals in the Fault Gouge of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake (Mw 7.6), Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JB011098. (SCI) (NSC97-2627-M-213-001)
10. Korren, C.S., E. C. Ferré, E.-C. Yeh, Y.-M. Chou, and H.-T. Chu (2016), Seismic rupture parameters deduced from a Pliocene fault pseudotachylyte in Taiwan, in Thomas, M.Y., et al., eds., Evolution of fault zone properties and dynamic processes during seismic rupture: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph (in press).
11. Ferré, E. C., E.-C. Yeh, Y.-M. Chou, R. L. Kuo, H.-T. Chu, and C. S. Korren (2016), Brushlines in fault pseudotachylytes: A new criterion for coseismic slip direction, Geology, 44(5), 395-398, doi: 10.1130/g37751.1.
12. Ferré, E. C., Y.-M. Chou, R.-L. Kuo, E.-C. Yeh, N. R. Leibovitz, A. L. Meado, L. Campbell, and J. W. Geissman (2016), Deciphering viscous flow of frictional melts with the mini-AMS method, J. Struc. Geology. (Submitted)
NSRRC-2015-3-110-1 – Beamline 14A1 FTIR Spectroscopic analyses of skeleton of blue coral Heliopora Coerulea
NSRRC-2015-2-059-2 – Beamline 01B1 TXM Internal structure observation of pseudotachylytes in the Tananao metamorphic
complex, Taiwan