Tell the story of "SUSTech and I"
2020-09-12     2782

2020 marks the tenth anniversary of the Ministry of Education (MoE), agreeing to the preparation of the establishment of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). As part of the celebrations, SUSTech has launched its story-writing activity called “SUSTech and I.”

SUSTech welcomes contributions from anyone involved in the development of SUSTech in the last ten years. They could be faculty members, students, alumni, parents of students, construction workers, staff, or members of the community that has a deep connection to SUSTech. The opportunity to write about the pioneer of higher education reform in China is open to all.

Here are the rules.

1.Theme: SUSTech and I

2.Deadline: 30 November 2020

3.Requirements: You must write an original piece in any style of at least one thousand (1,000) words that express your feelings about and your relationship with SUSTech. Include a brief introduction to yourself, as well as your contact information and relevant photos. Photos must also include the content of the photos, their location, the date, and the name of the photographer.

4.Submission method: Stories must be submitted by email to before the deadline. The subject line of the email should read Title-Author-Contact Information.

Contributors must ensure that their work is free from copyright disputes and that they are deemed to have granted the university permission to revise their work. Indicate the name and date of the publication. Once used, the author’s right of signature is guaranteed, and the author’s information and acknowledgment will be included in the relevant promotional material. Submissions will not be returned.

5. Selection method: Following the passing of the deadline, an expert panel will review all the submissions and submit a selection for publication. Those individuals whose works have been selected for publication will be rewarded with 10th-anniversary commemorative memorabilia.