SUSTech 2020 Alumni Association Annual Meeting held
2020-12-17     1955

On December 13, SUSTech 2020 Alumni Association Annual Meeting, with the theme of “Return to Alma Mater for its 10th Anniversary”, was held in SUSTech Convention Center. Over 400 students and faculty members gathered together to embrace the 10th anniversary of the University. They were joined by University Council Vice Chairperson Fengliang LI, Vice President Dongxiao ZHANG, and Alumni Association Board member.

Fengliang LI extended a warm welcome to the guests. He said that in the past decade, the University has developed rapidly in all aspects. Alumni from all over the world have carried on the spirit of SUSTech, made gratifying achievements in all walks of life, and established a good image for the alma mater. LI stressed that alumni resources will always be the most precious wealth of SUSTech, and SUSTech will always be the warmest harbor and strongest backing for alumni. On behalf of the University, he sincerely invited alumni to participate in the university anniversary celebration activities.

The first iTalk was held in the convention, with excellent alumni sharing their experience of study in SUSTech and entrepreneurship.

“SUSTecher”, an alumni service platform was launched in the convention, which aims to provide convenient services and support for alumni’s lifelong learning.

Fengliang LI unveiled the SUSTech Alumni-Enterprise Alliance, which is a new attempt to transform the achievements of SUSTech and innovation of the science and technology industry. It is hoped that the Alliance would become a bridge connecting SUSTech and its alumni, which integrates the scientific research advantages of the University and the strength of alumni and enterprises.

Awards were presented to alumni who actively participated in the alumni activities and made great contributions.