
Xingxing Kuang currently holds the position of Associate Professor of the School of Environmental Science & Engineering at South University of Science and Technology of China. He got a PhD in Hydrogeology from The University of Hong Kong. His major research interests including saturated-unsaturated flow, air-water two-phase flow, solute transport numerical modeling, and response of groundwater to climate change. He has published over 20 papers in top journals of water resources. He serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Water Resources Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geophysical Research Letters, Groundwater, and Vadose Zone Journal. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of Hydrogeology Journal. In 2014, he was awarded the AXA Research Fund Post-Doctoral Fellowships.
2008-2012: Ph.D., Hydrogeology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2007-2008: M.Eng., Hydrology and Water Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China
2003-2007: B.Eng., Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China
Employment History
2017.04-present: Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, South University of Science and Technology of China
2016-2017.04: Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, South University of Science and Technology of China
2014-2016: AXA Post-doctoral Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
2013-2014: Post-doctoral Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
2012-2013: Research Assistant, The University of Hong Kong
Awards and Honors
2014: AXA Research Fund Post-Doctoral Fellowships
2007: Excellent graduate of Beijing City
2007: Excellent graduate of China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
2005: SINOPEC Scholarship
2004: Second prize of the National Scholarship
Editorial Boards
2014-present: Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and Geological Society of America (GSA)
Research Interests
1) Saturated-unsaturated flow and air-water two-phase flow parameter model
2) Saturated-unsaturated flow and air-water two-phase flow experiment and numerical modeling
3) Solute transport modeling in porous media
4) Response of groundwater to climate change
Undergraduate course
(1) Hydraulics
(2) Hydraulic Experiment
Published Works
1. Luo, X., X. Kuang, J. J. Jiao, S. Liang, X. Zhang, and H. Li (2016), Evaluation of lacustrine groundwater discharge, hydrological partition, and nutrient budgets in a proglacial lake in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Using 222Rn and stable isotopes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, submitted.
2. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, and Y. Wang (2016), Chloride as tracer of solute transport in the aquifer-aquitard system in the Pearl River Delta, China, Hydrogeology Journal, 24(5), 1121–1132.
3. Kuang, X., and J. J. Jiao (2016), Review on climate change on the Tibetan Plateau during the last half century, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(8), 3979–4007.
4. Jiao, J. J., X. Zhang, Y. Liu, and X. Kuang (2015), Increased water storage in the Qaidam Basin, the North Tibet Plateau from GRACE gravity data, PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0141442, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141442.
5. Liu, Y., X. Kuang, J. J. Jiao, and J. Li (2015), Numerical study of variable-density flow and transport in unsaturated-saturated porous media, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 182, 117–130.
6. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, and K. Liu (2015), Numerical studies of vertical Cl, δ2H, and δ18O profiles in the aquifer-aquitard system in the Pearl River Delta, China, Hydrological Processes, 29(19), 4199–4209.
7. Jiao, J. J., L. Shi, X. Kuang, C. M. Lee, Wyss W.-S. Yim, and S. Yang (2015), Reconstructed chloride concentration profiles below the seabed in Hong Kong (China) and their implications for offshore groundwater resources, Hydrogeology Journal, 23(2), 277–286.
8. Kuang, X., and J. J. Jiao (2014), An integrated permeability-depth model for Earth’s crust, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(21), 7539–7545.
9. Kuang X., J. J. Jiao, K. Zhang, and D. Mao (2014), Air and water flows induced by pumping tests in unconfined aquifers with low-permeability zones, Hydrological Processes, 28(21), 5450–5464.
10. Kuang, X., and J. J. Jiao (2014), A new equation for the soil water retention curve, European Journal of Soil Science, 65(4), 584–593.
11. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, and H. Li (2013), Review on airflow in unsaturated zones induced by natural forcings, Water Resources Research, 49(10), 6137–6165.
12. Huang, H., J. Qian, X. Kuang, B. Chen, and L. Ma (2013), The influence of low-permeability cap on capillary pressure during pumping in unconfined aquifer, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 25(6), 867–870.
13. Dong, P., X. Wang, L. Wan, X. Kuang, and T. Chen (2013), Sand column experiments and modeling study on coupling between groundwater level change and air flow (in Chinese), Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences, 38(S1), 126–132.
14. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, H. Huang, and J. Qian (2013), Air and water flows in a large sand box with a two layer aquifer system, Hydrogeology Journal, 21(5), 977–985.
15. Wang, X.-S., J. J. Jiao, Y. Wang, J. A. Cherry, X. Kuang, K. Liu, C. Lee, and Z. Gong (2013), Accumulation and transport of ammonium in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta (China) in the last 10,000 years: conceptual and numerical models, Hydrogeology Journal, 21(5), 961–976.
16. Huang, H., J. Qian, X. Kuang, Z. Chen, and R. Li (2012), Experimental study of airflow induced by pumping tests in unconfined aquifer with low-permeability cap, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 24(4), 605–608.
17. Yang, L., X. Wang, J. J. Jiao, Y. Wang, and X. Kuang (2011), Identification of hydraulic parameters with slug test in clay soils (in Chinese), Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying, 39(6), 32–35.
18. Kuang, X., and J. J. Jiao (2011), A new model for predicting relative nonwetting phase permeability from soil water retention curves, Water Resources Research, 47, W08520, doi:10.1029/2011WR010728.
19. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, L. Wan, X. Wang, and D. Mao (2011), Air and water flows in a vertical sand column, Water Resources Research, 47, W04506, doi:10.1029/2009WR009030.
20. Chen, C., X. Kuang, and J. J. Jiao (2011), Reply to comments on “Methods to derive the differential equation of the free surface boundary”, Ground Water, 49(2), 142–143.
21. Chen, C., X. Kuang, and J. J. Jiao (2010), Reply to comments on “Methods to derive the differential equation of the free surface boundary”, Ground Water, 48(4), 490–493.
22. Chen, C., X. Kuang, and J. J. Jiao (2010), Methods to derive the differential equation of the free surface boundary, Ground Water, 48(3), 329–332.