
Educational Background
◆ 1964-1969 Technical University of Athens, Electrical Engineering, BS
◆ 1970-1972 University of Grenoble, Computer Science, MS
◆ 1973-1979 University of Grenoble, Computer Science, PhD
Professional Experience
◆ 1974-2011, VERIMAG laboratory, Research Director
◆ 2011-2016, EPFL, Professor
◆ 2016-present, VERIMAG laboratory, Research Director emeritus
Honors & Awards
◆ Turing Award, 2007
◆ Member of the French Academy of Sciences
◆ Member of the French National Academy of Engineering
◆ Member of Academia Europea and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
◆ Member of the National Academy of Engineering
◆ Award of the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, 2009
◆ President of the Greek Council for Research and Technology, 2014-2016
Selected Publication
1. J. Sifakis. System Design Automation: Challenges and Limitations, in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103, num. 11, p. 2093-2103, 2015
2. J. Sifakis, S. Bensalem, S. Bliudze and M. Bozga. A Theory Agenda for Component-Based Design., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
3. J. Sifakis. Toward a System Design Science, Workshop From Programs to Systems - The Systems Perspective in Computing (FPS) held in Honor of Joseph Sifakis, Grenoble, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
4. J. Sifakis. Rigorous System Design, in Foundations and Trends® in Electronic Design Automation, vol. 6, num. 4, p. 293-362, 2012
5. J. Sifakis. A Vision for Computer Science - the System Perspective, Central European Journal of Computer Science, 1(1), 2011, 108-116
6. J. Sifakis. "A Dialogue with Professor Joseph Sifakis about Concurrent Systems Specification and Verification", Interview by Christian Calude, Bulletin of EATCS, June 2011
7. J.Sifakis. Technologies numériques : une révolution au quotidien Les Mardis de Descartes, Discours au Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris, mardi 8 avril 2008
8. T.A. Henzinger and J. Sifakis. The Discipline of Embedded Systems Design, Computer, October 2007, pp. 32-40
9. T.A. Henzinger and J. Sifakis. The Embedded Systems Design Challenge, Invited Paper, FM 2006, pp. 1-15
10. The Artist Education Group. Guidelines for a Graduate Curriculum on Embedded Software and Systems, ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 4(3): 587-611 (2005)
11. Médaille d'argent 2001, Département STIC, Discours de Joseph Sifakis, Paris, 13 décembre 2001 (PDF)
12. J.Sifakis. Formal Methods and their Evaluation,FEMSYS, Munich, April 1997
13. J.F.Monin and J. Sifakis. Eléments de classification des méthodes formelles Application des techniques formelles au logiciel, Observatoire Français des Techniques Avancées,Juin 1997, Masson Ed.
14. J.Sifakis. Research Directions for Concurrency, ACM workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research, June 1996
15. J.Sifakis. Research Directions for Formal Methods ,ACM workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research, June 1996