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LI Ying
Associate Professor


Li Ying, female, born in 1980, Ph.D., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology.

The main research directions include: marine atmospheric remote sensing, atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment, and sea-air interaction research. The main research method is to apply satellite remote sensing and numerical simulation, combined with external field observation to study the interaction between human activities and air pollution and climate.

A series of important achievements have been made in the application of atmospheric remote sensing and numerical simulation to study the mechanism and control of air pollution in the Pearl River Delta. He has undertaken and participated in several Projects, involving many important aspects of air pollution control (observation data analysis, source emission inventory estimation, air quality model improvement, source analysis, control strategy research, and health exposure).

In the past five years, he has published 60 SCI papers in international authoritative academic journals such as Environmental Science & Technology, Remote Sensing of Environment, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Geophysical Research, Science of the Total Environment and Atmospheric Environment, with a total of more than 2400 references.

Educational background
Ph. D.: 2006.09-2011.05, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Environment, Atmospheric Environmental Science
M.Sc. : 2003.09-2006.07, Peking University, China, Department of Atmospheric Science,
B.Sc. : 1998.09-2002.07, Bohai University, China, Department of Physics

Professional Experience
2022.12-present   Associate Professor,Department of Ocean Science & Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

2016.12-2022.11 Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean Science & Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2015.04-2016.12 Research Assistant Professor, Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, HKUST
2011.07-2015.03 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Division of Environment, HKUST
2008.09-2009.03 Visiting Scholar, University of Tennessee
2002.09-2003.07 Research Assistant, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University

Papers and patents

1. Lina, G. Liu, A.K.H. Lau, Y.Li, C.C. Li, J.C.H. Fung, X.Q. Lao, (2018), High-resolution satellite remote sensing of provincial PM2.5 trends in China from 2001 to 2015. Atmospheric Environment, 180, 110-116,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.02.045 (Impact Factor: 3.629).

2. Li T., X. Deng*,Y.Li*, Y. Song; L. Li, H. Tan, C. Wang (2018), Transport paths and vertical exchange characteristics of haze pollution in Southern China, Science of the Total Environment, 625 :1074-1087 (通讯作者) (Impact Factor: 4.9).

3. Wong N S, C.L. Chi, Y.Li, et al. PM 2·5 concentration and elderly tuberculosis: analysis of spatial and temporal associations[J]. The Lancet, 2017, 390:S68. (Impact Factor: 47.831)

4. Lu X., C. Lin ,Y.Li, T. Yao, Jimmy C.H. Fung, Alexis K.H. Lau (2017), Assessment of health burden caused by particulate matter in southern China using high-resolution satellite observation, Environment International, In Press. (Impact Factor: 5.929).

5. Wang N., X.P. Lyu, X.J. Deng, H. Guo, T. Deng, Y. Li , C.Q. Yin, F. Li, S.Q. Wang (2016),Assessment of regional air quality resulting from emission control in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China. Science of the Total Environment, In Press. (Impact Factor: 3.976).

6. Liu H., C. Liu, Z. Xie, Y.Li, X. Huang, S. Wang, J. Xu, and P. Xie (2016), A paradox for air pollution controlling in China revealed by “APEC Blue” and “Parade Blue”. Scientific Report. 2016; 6: 34408. doi: 10.1038/srep34408. (Impact Factor: 5.228).

7. Lin, C, Y.Li*, A. K. H. Lau, X. Deng, Tim K.T. Tse, J. C. H. Fung., C. Li, Z. Li, X. Lu,X. Zhang and Q. Yu (2016), Estimation of Long-Term Population Exposure to PM2.5 for Dense Urban Areas using 1-km MODIS Data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 179,13-22. (Impact Factor: 6.393).

8. Lu, X, T. Yao, Y.Li*, J. C. H. Fung and A. K. H. Lau (2016), Source apportionment and health effect of NOx over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China, Environmental Pollution, 212, 135-146. (Impact Factor: 4.143)

9. Li, Y., C. Lin, A. K. H. Lau, C. Liao, Y. Zhang, W. Zeng, C. Li, J. C. H. Fung, and T. K. T. Tse (2015), Assessing Long-Term Trend of Particulate Matter Pollution in the Pearl River Delta Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19), 11670–11678. (Impact Factor: 6.393).

10. Lin, C., Y.Li*, Z. Yuan, A. K. H. Lau, C. Li, and J. C. H. Fung (2015), Using satellite remote sensing data to estimate the high-resolution distribution of ground-level PM2.5, Remote Sensing of Environment, 156, 117–128.

11. Karimian, H., Q. Li, C. Li, L. Jin, J. Fan, and Y.Li (2015), An Improved Method for Monitoring Fine Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations via Satellite Remote Sensing, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, doi:10.4209/aaqr.2015.06.0424. (Impact Factor: 2.606).

12. Li, Z., Z. Yuan, Y.Li, A. K. H. Lau, and P. K. K. Louie (2015), Characterization and source apportionment of health risks from ambient PM10 in Hong Kong over 2000–2011, Atmospheric Environment, 122, 892–899. (Impact Factor: 3.629).

13. Li, Y., A. Lau, A. Wong, and J. Fung (2014), Decomposition of the wind and nonwind effects on observed year-to-year air quality variation, Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119(10), 2013JD021300. (Impact Factor: 3.45).

14. Yu, X., Z. Yuan, J. C. H. Fung, J. Xue, Y.Li, J. Zheng, and A. K. H. Lau (2014), Ozone changes in response to the heavy-duty diesel truck control in the Pearl River Delta, Atmospheric Environment, 88, 269–274. (Impact Factor: 3.629).

15. Li, Y., A. K. H. Lau, J. C. H. Fung, J. Zheng, and Liu (2013), Importance of NOx control for peak ozone reduction in the Pearl River Delta region, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118(16), 9428–9443. (Impact Factor: 3.45).

16. Li, Y., A. K. H. Lau, J. C. H. Fung, H. Ma, and Y. Tse (2013), Systematic evaluation of ozone control policies using an Ozone Source Apportionment method, Atmospheric Environment, 76, 136–146. (Impact Factor: 3.629).

17. Yang, D., C. Li, A. K.-H. Lau, and Y.Li(2013), Long-term measurement of daytime atmospheric mixing layer height over Hong Kong, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118(5), 2422–2433. (Impact Factor: 3.45).

18. Ng, S. K. W., C. Loh, C. Lin, V. Booth, J. W. M. Chan, A. C. K. Yip, Y.Li, and A. K. H. Lau (2013), Policy change driven by an AIS-assisted marine emission inventory in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, Atmospheric Environment, 76, 102–112. (Impact Factor: 3.629).

19. Li, C. C., X. He, Z. Z. Deng, A. K.-H. LAU, and Y.Li (2013), Dependence of mixed aerosol light scattering extinction on relative humidity in Beijing and Hong Kong, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 6, 117–121.

20. Li, Y., A. K.-H. Lau, J. C.-H. Fung, J. Y. Zheng, L. J. Zhong, and P. K. K. Louie (2012), Ozone source apportionment (OSAT) to differentiate local regional and super-regional source contributions in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Geophys. Res., 117(D15), D15305. (Impact Factor: 3.45).

Undertaking project
(1) Framework Agreement for Airport Air Quality Data Analysis at the HK International Airport, Airport Authority, 2013.01-2016.01, $900.000, Co-PI
(2) Development of effective air quality management strategies for HK and the PRD,UGC,2011.06-2013.04, $1,000,000, Co-PI
(3) Air Quality Improvement for the 16th Asian Game and Beyond, Fu Tak Iam Foundation Ltd, 2009.01-2011.04, $3,000,000, Co-PI