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Research Assistant Professor


2016 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, China
2011 B.S. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Peking University
Beijing, China


Gas/Liquid dynamics in micro/nano systems:
• Multiscale modeling and understanding of dynamics of rarefied gas: Molecular dynamics, stochastic simulation methods DSMC, and perturbation method of asymptotic analysis.
• Particle-surface & liquid-surface interaction simulations and models.
• Hybrid methods involving simulation approaches at different length scales.
• Multiphysics of gas/liquid transport, which may include phase transfer and chemical reaction.

Phonon transport in micro/nano structured materials:
• Modeling and understanding of phonon dynamics and transport at multiscale levels: atomic to mesoscale simulations.
• Phonon transport in novel nanomaterials: 2D materials, amorphous materials, polymers, disorder structured materials, and thermal metamaterials.


July 2017 – September 2018: Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

March 2016 – June 2017: Research Associate
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


October 2018 – December 2018: Part-time Lecturer
School of Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Journal Articles:

[J1] T. Liang, Q. Li. " Accurate modeling of Knudsen diffusion in nanopores using a physical-based boundary model", Journal of applied physics, 126, 084304, 2019.
[J2] J. Yu, Q. Li, and W. Ye, “Investigation of wave interference effect in Si/Ge superlattices with interfering Monte Carlo method”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128: 270-278, 2018
[J3] T. Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. “A physical-based gas–surface interaction model for rarefied gas flow simulation”. Journal of Computational Physics, 352: 105-122, 2018.
[J4] Q. Li, and W. Ye. "An interfering Monte Carlo method for partially coherent phonon transport in superlattices". International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 107: 534-543, 2017.
[J5] Q. Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye, "Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force". Physical Review E, 90(3): 033009, 2014.
[J6] Q. Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye. "Shape-dependent orientation of thermophoretic forces in microsystems". Physical Review E, 88(3): 033020, 2013.
[J7] T. Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. "Performance evaluation of Maxwell and Cercignani-Lampis gas-wall interaction models in the modeling of thermally driven rarefied gas transport". Physical Review E, 88(1): 013009, 2013.

Conference Proceedings:

[C1] Q. Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye. "Knudsen torque on heated micro beams." Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. vol. 1628, pp. 705-711, 2014.
[C2] T. Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. "On the Maxwell gas-wall interaction model for micro/nano gas flows." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. vol. 1501, No. 1, pp. 1175-1181, 2012.