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WU Liusuo
Research Scientist

Brief Introduction
Dr. Liusuo Wu received his B.S. in material physics from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2006, and his Ph.D. in physics from Stony Brook University in 2013. He joined Southern University of Science and Technology as an associate professor in 2018.


Research Interests
Dr. Wu’s research is mainly about quantum phase transition and related quantum critical behaviors in magnetic systems, including heavy fermions, low dimensional quantum magnet, spin frustrated systems and quantum spin liquid. Recent work was focusing on investigating the quantum spin excitations with neutron scattering technique.


Educational Background
August 2006 – August 2013: Ph. D. ,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University
September 2002 – July 2006: B. S.,
Department of Material Science and Engineering,
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China.


Professional Experience
Associate Professor, July 2018 – Present,
Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Postdoctoral Associate, June 2015 – June 2018,
Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Postdoctoral Associate, September 2013 – June 2015,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University
Research Assistant, October 2008 – August 2013,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University.
Teaching Assistant, September 2006 – August 2008,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University


Selected Publication
1. L. S. Wu, W. J Gannon, I. A. Zaliznyak, A. M. Tsvelik, M. Brockmann, J-S Caux, M. S Kim, Y. Qiu, J. R. D. Copley, G. Ehlers, A. Podlesnyak, M. C. Aronson, “Orbital-exchange and fractional quantum number excitations in an f-electron metal, Yb2Pt2Pb”, Science, 352, (6290), 1206-1210, (2016).
2. J. G Rau*, L. S. Wu*, A. F May, L. Poudel, B. Winn, V. O Garlea, A. Huq, P. Whitfield, A. E. Taylor, M. D. Lumsden, M. J. P. Gingras, A. D. Christianson, “Anisotropic exchange within decoupled tetrahedra in the quantum breathing pyrochlore Ba3Yb2Zn5O11”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 257204, (2016). (*Equal Contribution)
3. L. S. Wu, M. S. Kim, K. Park, A. M. Tsvelik and M. C. Aronson, “Quantum Critical Fluctuations in Layered YFe2Al10”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 39 : 14088–14093. (2014).
4. L. S. Wu, S. E. Nikitin, M. Frontzek, A. I. Kolesnikov, G. Ehlers, M. D. Lumsden, K. A. Shaykhutdinov, E.-J. Guo, A. T. Savici, Z. Gai, A. S. Sefat, A. Podlesnyak, “Magnetic ground state of the Ising-like antiferromagnet DyScO3”, Phys. Rev. B, 144407, (2017), editors’ suggestion.
5. W. J. Gannon, L. S. Wu, I. A. Zaliznyak, W. H. Xu, A. M. Tsvelik, Y. Qiu, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and M. C. Aronson,“Local quantum phase transition in YFe2Al10”,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 3, 2018. 115 (27) 6995-6999.