
Dr. Xian joined the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in July 2020. She completed her B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences at SUN YAT-SEN University in 2009 and Ph.D. in Space Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2014. Prior to her arrival at the SUSTech, Tao served as a Postdoctoral Researcher and Associate Researcher at USTC and a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Oklahoma. She is studying tropopause dynamics, stratosphere-troposphere exchange, and wind resource assessment.
Education background
2005.9-2009.6, University of Science and Technology of China, School of Environment Scicence and Engineering, Bachelor
2009.9-2014.6, University of Science and Technology of China, School of Earth and Space Science, Ph.D.
Work experience
2014.06-2016.11,University of Science and Technology of China, School of Earth and Space Science, Postdoctoral Researcher
2016.11-2020.06,University of Science and Technology of China, School of Earth and Space Science, Associate Researcher
2017.11-2019.11, University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology, Postdoctoral Researcher
2020.07-Pres, Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Research Assistant Professor
National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Climate Change in the Tropopause Layer”, 2016-2018
Special Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, “Tropopause-penetrating Convection and Its Impacts on the STE”,
Anhui Natural Science Foundation, “Vertical Structure of Tropopause Layer”, 2016-2018
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, “Changes in the Tropopause Layer Thickness”, 2015-2016
[1] Xian T, Homeyer CR. Global tropopause altitudes in radiosondes and reanalyses. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2019, 19(8):5661-78.
[2] Xian T, Fu Y. A hiatus in the tropopause layer change. International Journal of Climatology. 2017, 37(14):4972-80.
[3] Xian T, and Fu Y., Characteristics of tropopause-penetrating convection determined by TRMM and COSMIC GPS radio occultation measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 120 (2015), 7006-7024.
[4] Xian T, Sun L., Yang Y., and Fu Y., Monsoon and Eddy Forcing of Chlorophyll-a Variation in Northeast South China Sea, Int. J. Rem. Sen., 33 (2012), 7431-7443.
[5] Xian T, Yang Y., Sun L., and Fu Y., Spatiotemporal variability of satellite-derived colored dissolved and detrital organic materials in the South China Sea from 1997-2007, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 15 (2012), 118-126.
[6] Qin F, Xian T, Fu Y. Cloud-Precipitation Parameters and Radiative Forcing of Warm Precipitating Cloud over the Tropical Pacific Ocean Based on TRMM Datasets and Radiative Transfer Model. Atmosphere. 2018, 9(6):206.
[7] Fu Y., Xian T., Lu D., Liu G., Heng Z., Sun L., and Yang Y., Ozone vertical variations during a typhoon derived from the OMI observations and reanalysis data. Chin. Sci. Bull., 58 (2013), 3890-3894.
[8] Yang Y., Xian T, Sun L., and Fu Y., Summer monsoon impacts on Chlorophyll-a concentration in the middle of the South China Sea: Climatological mean and annual variability, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 5 (2012), 15-19.
[9] Fu Y, Pan X, Xian T, Liu G, Zhong L, Liu Q, Li R, Wang Y, Ma M. Precipitation characteristics over the steep slope of the Himalayas in rainy season observed by TRMM PR and VIRS. Climate dynamics. 2018, 51(5-6):1971-89.
[10] Wang R, Fu Y, Xian T, Chen F, Yuan R, Li R, Liu G. Evaluation of atmospheric precipitable water characteristics and trends in mainland China from 1995 to 2012. Journal of Climate. 2017, 30(21):8673-88.
[11] Chen Y, Fu Y, Xian T, Pan X. Characteristics of cloud cluster over the steep southern slopes of the Himalayas observed by CloudSat. International Journal of Climatology. 2017, 37(11):4043-52.
[12] Sun L., Yang Y., Xian T., Lu Z., and Fu Y., Strong enhancement of chlorophyll-a concentration by a weak typhoon, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 404 (2010), 39-50.
[13] Sun L., Yang Y., Xian T., Wang Y., and Fu Y., Ocean responses to Typhoon Namtheun explored with Argo floats and multiplatform satellites, Atmosphere-Ocean, 50 (2012), 15-26.
[14] Li Q., Sun L., Liu S., Xian T., and Yan Y., A new mononuclear eddy identication method with simple splitting strategies, Remote Sensing Letters, 5 (2014), 65-72.
[15] Yang Y., Sun L., Liu Q., Xian T., and Fu Y., The Biophysical Responses of the upper ocean to the typhoons Namtheun and Malou in 2004, Int. J. Rem. Sen., 31 (2010), 4559-4568.
[16] Martin, E.R., Homeyer, C.R., McKinzie, R.A., McCarthy, K.M. and Xian, T., Regionally Varying Assessments of Upper-Level Tropical Width in Reanalyses and CMIP5 Models Using a Tropopause Break Metric. J. Climate, (2020), in press, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0629.1
[17] Fu Y, Chen Y, Li R, Qin F, Xian T, Yu L, Zhang A, Liu G, Zhang X. Lateral Boundary of Cirrus Cloud from CALIPSO Observations. Scientific reports. 2017, 7(1):14221.
[18] Zhu H., Su Z., Xiao F., Zheng H., Wang Y., Shen C., Xian T., Wang S., Kletzing C. A., Kurth W.S., Hospodarsky G. B., Spence H. E., Reeves G. D., Funsten H. O., Blake J. B., and Baker D. N., Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42 (2015), 1012-1019.
[19] Sun L., Li Y., Yang Y., Wu Q., Chen X., Li Q., Li Y., and Xian T., Effects of super typhoons on cyclonic oceanic eddies in the western North Pacific: A satellite data-based evaluation between 2000 and 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 119.9 (2014): 5585-5598.
[20] Yang Y., Sun L., Duan A., Li Y., Fu Y., Yan Y., Wang Z., and Xian T., Impacts of the binary typhoons on upper ocean environments in November 2007, J. Appl. Remote Sens., 6.1 (2012): 063583-1.
[21] Yang Y., Sun L, Duan AM, Li YB, Fu YF, Yan YF, Wang ZQ, Xian T. Impacts of the binary typhoons on upper ocean environments in November 2007. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2012, 6(1):063583.
[22] Fu Y, Zhu J, Yang Y, Yuan R, Liu G, Xian T, Liu P. Grid-cell aerosol direct shortwave radiative forcing calculated using the SBDART model with MODIS and AERONET observations: An application in winter and summer in eastern China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 2017, 34(8):952-64.