
Guosong Zeng received Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University in January 2018. His PhD research included investigation of mechanical properties of wide bandgap semiconductor materials, mechanochemistry mechanism of semiconductor thin films, as well as mechanochemical tunning of the band structure at the semiconductor surface. Then he joined Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a postdoc. His postdoc work centered synthesis and characterization of photoelectrodes for solar water splitting and CO2 reduction. His work has been published on several high impact journals, including Nature Materials, Nature Energy, Angew, Advanced Energy Materials, PNAS, etc.
Research Area:
Mechanochemistry:Mechanochemistry mechanism of semiconductor materials, and its applications in manufacturing and defect engineering;
Materials Tribology:Tribological performance and mechanism of semiconductor materials;
Artificial Photosynthesis: Solar water splitting, CO2 reduction;
Operando Characterization Techniques: Development of AFM-based operando characterization techniques and its application.
Work Experience:
◆ Oct. 2021-present,
Southern University of Science and Technology,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
◆ Apr. 2018-Sep. 2021
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Postdoctoral Research Associate
◆ Jan. 2018-Mar. 2018
Postdoctoral Research Associate
◆ Jan. 2018 Ph.D. ME, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
◆ May 2012 M.S. ME, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
◆ Jul. 2010 B.S. MCTI, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Professional Recognition:
◆ 2018 The Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Postdoctoral Recognition Award, US Department of Energy
◆ 2016 The E. Elmer Klaus Fellowship, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Representative Papers:
◆ G. Zeng, T. A. Pham, S. Vanka, G. Liu, C. Song, J. K. Cooper, T. Ogitsu, Z. Mi, F. M. Toma, Sustained Hydrogen Production on Self-Improving GaN/Si Photocathode, Nature Materials,20,2021,1130–1135
◆ T, Kristle*, G. Zeng* (co-first), J. Young, F. M. Toma, F. Houle, T. Geutsch, N. Danilovic, Emergent Degradation Mechanisms with Integration and Scale Up of PEC Devices, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 2002706
◆ G. Zeng, X. Yang, C. K. Tan, C. Marvel, B. E. Koel, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Shear-induced band bending in GaN, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10 (34), 2018, 29048-29057
◆ G. Zeng, W. Sun, R. Song, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Crystallographic Orientation Effect on GaN Wear, Scientific Reports, 7, 2017, 14126
◆ G. Zeng, N. Tansu and B. A. Krick, Moisture Dependent Wear Mechanisms of Gallium Nitride, Tribology International, 118, 2017, 120-127
◆ G. Zeng, C. K. Tan, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Ultralow of Gallium Nitride, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 2016, 105602
◆ G. Wang, Y. Rong, “Advances of physics-based precision modeling and simulation for manufacturing processes”, Advances in Manufacturing, Vol. 1, 2013, 75-81
◆ G. Liu, M. Lee, S. Kwon, G. Zeng, K. Jiang, J. Eichhorn, A. K. Buckley, A. T. Bell, W. A. Goddard, F. M. Toma, Pure Cu Electrocatalysts produce only H2 in Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction at -1V RHE, PNAS,
◆ G. Liu, F. Zheng, J. Li, G. Zeng, Y. Ye, D. M. Larson, J. Yano, E. J. Crumlin, J. W. Ager, L. Wang, F. M. Toma, “Investigation and mitigation of degradation mechanisms in Cu2O photoelectrodes for CO2 reduction to ethylene”, Nature Energy, accepted
◆ Y. N. Regmi, E. Tzanetopoulos, G. Zeng, X. Peng, D. Kushner, T. A. Kistler, P. Agbo, L. A. King, A. Z. Weber, N. Danilovic, Supported Oxygen Evolution Catalysts by Design: Towards Lower Precious Metal Loading and Improved Conductivity in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 13125-13135
◆ K. Jiang, Z. Zhang, G. Zeng, G. Liu, F. M. Toma, J. K. Cooper, A. T. Bell, Effects of Surface Roughness on the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 over Cu, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5, 4, 1206-1214
◆ W. Ji, T. Allen, X. Yang, G. Zeng, S. D. Wolf, A. Javey, Polymeric electron-selective contact for crystalline silicon solar cells with an efficiency exceeding 19%, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5, 3, 897-902
◆ C. V. Hadena, G. Zeng, F. M. Carter III, C. Ruhla, B. A. Krick, D. G. Harlow, Wire and Arc Additive Manufactured Steel: Tensile and Wear Properties, Additive Manufacturing, 16, 2017, 115-123
◆ Z. Hsain, G. Zeng, N. C. Strandwitz, B. A. Krick, Wear behavior of annealed atomic layer deposited alumina, Wear, 372-373, 2017, 1-6