
Prof. Limin Zhou received his BEng degree and MEng degree from Harbin Engineering University in 1982 and 1988 respectively, and his PhD degree from The University of Sydney in 1994. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor in 1996 and became a Professor in 2005 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prof. Zhou’s major research interests include advanced composite materials and structures, smart materials and structures, nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy storage and conversions, and structural health monitoring techniques. He has published more than 350 technical articles including over 250 SCI refereed journal papers, and received many awards including the Engineering Faculty Best Researcher Award in 1999 and the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievements in Research and Scholarly Activities in 2000. Prof. Zhou served as the Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Engineering in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2018 to 2019. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Composites Communications, and the Vice President of Chinese Society for Composite Materials. In 2019, Prof. Zhou joined the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing at Southern University of Science and Technology as a Chair Professor.
Research Area
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for sustainable energy conversion and storage
High performance polymer composites
Functional composites
Structure health monitoring
Working Experience
2019 - Present Southern University of Science and Technology
Associate Dean (from July 2020) of School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing
Chair Professor of School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing
2018 - 2019 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Associate Dean (Research) (from August 2018), Faculty of Engineering
Professor, jointly appointed by Interdisciplinary Division of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, and Department of Mechanical Engineering
2016 - 2018 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Founding Head of Interdisciplinary Division of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (July 2016 -July 2018)
Programme Leader for BEng (Hons) in Aviation Engineering (July 2016-May 2018)
Programme Leader for BEng (Hons) in Air Transport Engineering (July 2016- May 2018)
2005-2019 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professor, Departmental Discipline Leader for Materials and Mechanics (2013-)
Director, Research Center for Integrated Product Development (2004-2010 and 2015-2018)
Programme Leader (MSc in ME, 2005-2012, 2015-2016), Department of Mechanical Engineering
2002-2004 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Associate Professor and Programme Leader (BSc in PDA), Department of Mechanical Engineering
1996-2001 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Assistant Professor
Programme Leader (BEng in ME, since 1999)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1994-1995 University of Sydney
ARC (Australian Research Council) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
1990-1994 University of Sydney
Junior Research Fellow and Ph.D. Student, Department of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
1982-1990 Harbin Engineering University
Associate Lecturer, Lecturer and Director of Solid Mechanics Laboratory
Education Background
Ph.D. in Composite Materials (1994, University of Sydney)
Eng. in Solids Mechanics (1988, Harbin Engineering University)
Eng. in Engineering Mechanics (1982, Harbin Engineering University)
Selected Publications
a) Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for sustainable energy conversion and storage
DM Lin, KK Li, Q Wang, LL Lyu, BH Li, LM Zhou, Rate-independent and ultra-stable low-temperature sodium storage in pseudocapacitive TiO2nanowires, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA05039F, 2019
KK Li, J Zhang, DM Lin, DW Wang, BH Li, W Lv, S Sun, YB He, FY Kang, QH Yang, LM Zhou and TY Zhang, Evolution of the electrochemical interface in sodium ion batteries with ether electrolytes, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, DOI:10.1038/s41467-019- 08506-5, 2019
Y Liu, Y Ying, LF Fei, Y Liu, QZ Hu, GG Zhang, SY Pang, W Lu, CL Mak, X Luo, LM Zhou, MD Wei, HT Huang, Valence Engineering via Selective Atomic Substitution on Tetrahedral Sites in Spinel Oxide for Highly Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Catalysis, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b13701, April, 2019
Yu, J; Li, WJ; Zhang, HS; Zhou, F; Li, RM; Xu, CY; Zhou, LM; Zhong, H; Wang, J, Metallic FePSe3 nanoparticles anchored on N-doped carbon framework for All-pH hydrogen evolution reaction, NANO ENERGY, Volume: 57 Pages: 222-229, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.12.055, Published: MAR 2019
X Zhang, JY Zhang, SY Kong, K Zhu, J Yan, K Ye, GL Wang, K Cheng, LM Zhou and DX Cao, A novel calendula-like MnNb2O6 anchored on graphene sheet as high- performance intercalation pseudocapacitive anode for lithium-ion capacitors, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 7, 2855-2863, 2019
ZL Xu, S Lin, N Onofrio, LM Zhou, F Shi, W Lu, K Kang, Q Zhang, SP Lau, Exceptional catalytic effects of black phosphorus quantum dots in shuttling-free lithium sulfur batteries, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS9 (1), 4164, 2018
Xu, ZL; Liu, XM; Luo, YS; Zhou, LM and Kim, JK, Nanosilicon anodes for high performance rechargeable batteries, PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, Volume 90, Pages 1-44, 2017
Xu, ZL; Huang, JQ; Chong, WG; Qin, XY; Wang, XY; Zhou, LM, Kim, JK, In Situ TEM Study of Volume Expansion in Porous Carbon Nanofiber/Sulfur Cathodes with Exceptional High-Rate Performance, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201602078, Published: JAN 2017
Liu, Y; Fu, NQ; Zhang, GG; Xu, M; Lu, W; Zhou, LM; Huang, HT, Design of Hierarchical Ni-Co@Ni-Co Layered Double Hydroxide Core-Shell Structured Nanotube Array for High- Performance Flexible All-Solid-State Battery-Type Supercapacitors, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, doi: 10.1002/adfm.201605307, JAN 2017
Ouyang, T; Cheng, K; Yang, F; Zhou, LM; Zhu, K; Ye, K; Wang, GL and Cao, DX, From biomass with irregular structures to 1D carbon nanobelts: a stripping and cutting strategy to fabricate high performance supercapacitor materials, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, DOI: 10.1039/c7ta02412f, 5, 14551, 2017)
Chen, YM; Dong, JC; Qiu, L; Li, XY; Li, QQ; Wang, HT; Liang, SJ; Yao, HM; Huang, HT; Gao, HJ; Kim, JK; Ding, F; Zhou, LM, A Catalytic Etching-Wetting-Dewetting Mechanism in Formation of Hollow Graphitic Carbon Fiber, CHEM, DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2017.01.005, 2017
Li, X; Chen, Y; Wang, H; Yao, H; Huang, H; Mai, Y; Hu, N; Zhou, LM, Inserting Sn nanoparticles into the pores of TiO2-x-C nanofibers by lithiation, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Volume: 26, Pages: 376-383, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201503711, Published: JAN 2016.
Chen, YM; Li, XY; Park, K; Zhou, LM; Huang, HT; Mai, YW; Goodenough, JB, Hollow Nanotubes of N‐Doped Carbon on CoS, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10.1002/anie.201608489, NOV 2016.
Jin, HY; Zhou, LM; Mak, CL; Huang, HT; Tang, WM; Chan, HLW; High-performance fiber-shaped supercapacitors using carbon fiber thread (CFT)@polyanilne and functionalized CFT electrodes for wearable/stretchable electronics, NANO ENERGY, Volume 11, Pages 662–670, DOI:10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.11.055, JAN 2015.
Gao, Y; Jin, HY; Lin, QF; Li, X; Tavakoli, MM; Leung, SF; Tang, WM; Zhou, LM; Chan, HLW; Fan, ZY, Highly flexible and transferable supercapacitors with ordered three- dimensional MnO2/Au/MnO2 nanospike arrays, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, Volume: 3, Issue: 19, Pages: 10199-10204, DOI: 10.1039/c5ta01960e, Published: APR 2015.
Jin, HY; Zhou, LM; Mak, CL; Huang, HT; Tang, WM; Chan, HLW, Improved performance of asymmetric fiber-based micro-supercapacitors using carbon nanoparticles for flexible energy storage, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, Volume: 3, Issue: 30, Pages: 15633-15641, DOI: 10.1039/c5ta03576g, Published: JUN 2015.
Tang, J; Yang, J; Zhou, X; Yao, H; Zhou, LM, A porous graphene/carbon nanowire hybrid with embedded SnO2 nanocrystals for high performance lithium ion storage, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,Volume: 3, Pages: 23844-23851, DOI: 10.1039/C5TA06859B, Published: OCT 2015.
Chen YM, Li, XY; Zhou XY, Yao, HM; Huang, HT; Mai YW, and Zhou, LM. Hollow-tunneled Graphitic Carbon Nanofibers Through Ni-diffusion-induced Graphitization as High- performance Anode Materials. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, DOI: 10.1039/ C4EE00148F, Published: MAY 2014.
Tang, J, Yang, J, Zhou, XY, Zhou, LM, Chen, G, Huang, B, Silica-assistant synthesis of three-dimensional graphene architecture and its application as anode material for lithium ion batteries, NANO ENERGY, Volume 8, Pages 62–70, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.05.008, 2014.
Chen, YM; Li, XY; Park, K; Hong, JH; Song, J; Zhou, LM; Mai, YW; Huang, HT; Goodenough, JB. Sulfur Encapsulated in Porous Hollow CNTs@CNFs for High- Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA01823K, MAY 2014.)
Tang, J; Yang, J; Zhou, LM; Xie, J; Chen, G; Zhou, X, Layer-by-layer self-assembly of a sandwich-like graphene wrapped SnOx@ graphene composite as an anode material for lithium ion batteries, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,Volume: 2, Issue: 18, Pages: 6292-6295, DOI: 10.1039/C4TA00495G, Published: JAN 2014.
Li, XY; Chen, YM; Zhou, LM; Mai, YW; Huang, HT, Exceptional electrochemical performance of porous TiO2-carbon nanofibers for lithium ion battery anodes, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, Volume: 2, Issue: 11, Pages: 3875-3880, DOI: 10.1039/c3ta14646d, Published: 2014. (IF=10.733, Grade: A+)
Chen, YM; Li, XY; Park, K; Song, J; Hong, JH; Zhou, LM; Mai, YW; Huang, HT; Goodenough, JB, Hollow Carbon-Nanotube/Carbon-Nanofiber Hybrid Anodes for Li-ion Batteries, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Volume: 135, Issue: 44, Pages: 16280-16283, DOI: 10.1021/ja408421n, Published: NOV 2013.
Lin, J; Guo, M; Yip, CT; Lu, W; Zhang, GG; Liu, XL; Zhou, LM; Chen, XF; Huang, HT, High Temperature Crystallization of Free-Standing Anatase TiO2 Nanotube Membranes for High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Volume: 23, Issue: 47, Pages: 5952-5960, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201301066, Published: DEC 2013.
Guo, M; Xie, KY; Lin, J; Yong, ZH; Yip, CT; Zhou, LM; Wang, Y; Huang, HT, Design and coupling of multifunctional TiO2 nanotube photonic crystal to nanocrystalline titania layer as semi-transparent photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEVolume: 5 Issue: 12 Pages: 9881-9888 DOI: 10.1039/c2ee22854h Published: DEC 2012.
Chen YM, Lu ZG, Zhou LM, Mai YW, and Huang HT, Triple-coaxial Electrospun Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes with Hollow Graphitic Carbon Nanospheres for High- Performance Li Ion Batteries, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, DOI:10.1039/C2EE22085G, Published: 2012.
Yip, CT; Huang, HT; Zhou, LM; Xie, KY; Wang, Y; Feng, TH; Li, JS; Tam, WY, Direct and Seamless Coupling of TiO2 Nanotube Photonic Crystal to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: A Single-Step Approach, ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 23 Issue: 47 Pages: 5624-DOI:10.1002/adma.201103591 Published: DEC 15 2011.
b) Composites
F Duan, Y Liao, Z Zeng, H Jin, LM Zhou, Z Zhang, ZQ Su, Graphene-based nanocomposite strain sensor response to ultrasonic guided waves, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.02.011., 2019
Xu, H; Zeng, ZH; Wu, ZJ; Zhou, LM; Su, ZQ; Liao, YH; Liu, ML, Broadband dynamic responses of flexible carbon black/poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites: A sensitivity study, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, JUNE 13 2017 doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.06.010
Li, Q; Li, Y; Zhou, LM, A micromechanical model of interfacial debonding and elementary fiber pull-out for sisal fiber-reinforced composites, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, October 10 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.10.008
Li, Q; Li, Y; Zhou, LM, Nanoscale evaluation of multi-layer interfacial mechanical properties of sisal fiber reinforced composites by nanoindentation technique, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, September 21 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.09.030
Zhang, L, Zhou, LM, Zhang, JF, Wang, ZQ, Lu, S, Wang, X, Influence of high temperature on the flexural properties of GF/pCBT laminates and their fusion-bonded joints, COMPOSITES PART B: ENGINEERING, 110, 124-131, 2017
Zhang, L; Zhou, LM; Zhang, JF; Wang, ZQ; Lu, S; Wang, XQ, Influence of high temperature on the flexural properties of GF/pCBT laminates and their fusion-bonded joints, COMPOSITES PART B: ENGINEERING, Volume 110, Pages 124–131, FEB 2017.
Yang, B; Zhang, JF; Zhou, LM, Lu, WY; Wang, ZQ, Effect of fiber surface modification on water absorption and hydrothermal aging behaviors of GF/pCBT composites, COMPOSITES PART B: ENGINEERING, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.08.056, Published: DEC 2015.
Wang, XQ; Zhang, JF; Wang, ZQ ; Liang, WY ; Zhou, LM , Finite element simulation of the failure process of single fiber composites considering interface properties, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, Volume: 45 Issue:1 Pages: 573-580 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2012.07.051 Published: FEB 2013.
Zhang, JN; Deng, SQ; Wang, YL; Ye, L; Zhou, LM; Zhang, Z, Effect of nanoparticles on interfacial properties of carbon fibre-epoxy composites, COMPOSITES PART A- APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, Volume: 55, Pages: 35-44, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.08.005, Published: DEC 2013.
Wang YL, Zhou LM, Wang ZQ, Huang HT, Ye L, Analysis of internal stresses induced by strain recovery in a single SMA fiber-matrix composite, COMPOSITES PART B- ENGINEERINGVolume: 42 Issue: 5 Pages: 1135-1143 Published: 2011
Xie YB, Huang CJ, Zhou LM, Liu Y, Huang HT,Supercapacitor application of nickel oxide-titania nanocomposites, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYVolume: 69 Issue: 13 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2108-2114 Published: OCT 2009.
Jiang ZY, Siengchin S, Zhou LM, and Man HC. Poly (butylene terephthalate)/silica nanocomposites prepared from cyclic butylene terephthalate, COMPOSITES PART A- APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURINGVolume: 40 Issue: 3 Pages: 273-278 Published: 2009.
Kim JK, Zhou LM, Huang HT, et al., ACCM-5 special issue (vol 39, pg 569, 2008), COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURINGVolume: 39 Issue: 6 Pages: 1071-1071 Published: 2008
Xie YB, Zhou LM, Huang HT, Lu J, Microstructure promoted photosensitization activity of dye-titania/titanium composites, COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURINGVolume: 39 Pages: 690-696 Published: 2008
Shi ZF, Chen YH, Zhou LM, Micromechanical damage modeling of fiber/matrix interface under cyclic loading, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY65 (7- 8): 1203-1210 JUN 2005.
Lam CK, Cheung HY, Lau KT, Zhou LM, Cluster size effect in hardness of nanoclay/epoxy composites, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING36 (3): 263-269 2005.
Poon CK, Lau KT, Zhou LM, Design of pull-out stresses for prestrained SMA wire/polymer hybrid composites, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING36 (1): 25- 31 2005.
Lau and L. M. Zhou, The Mechanical behavior of composite wrapped concrete structure subjected to uniaxial compression load, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 52, pp189-198, 2001.
T. Lau , P. K. Dutta, L. M. Zhou and D. Hui, Mechanics of bonds in an FRP bonded concrete beam, COMPOSITES B, 32, pp491-502, 2001.
T. Lau and L. M. Zhou, "Mechanical performance of composite-strengthened concrete structures". COMPOSITES B, 32, pp21-31, 2001.
Yu, J. S. Wu, L. M. Zhou, D. Xie and S. Wu, Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of a Potassium Titanate Whisker Reinforced PP/PA Blend, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 60, pp499-508, 2000.
c) Structure health monitoring
W Xu, H Fang, M Cao, LM Zhou, Q Wang, W Ostachowicz, A noise-robust damage indicator for characterizing singularity of mode shapes for incipient delamination identification in CFRP laminates, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 121, 183-200, 2019
Alali, KT; Liu, JY; Aljebawi, K; Liu, PL; Chen, RR; Li, RM; Zhang, HQ; Zhou, LM; Wang, J, Electrospun n-p WO3/CuO heterostructure nanofibers as an efficient sarin nerve agent sensing material at room temperature, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Volume: 793 Pages: 31-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.04.157, Published: JUL 15 2019
Y Liao, F Duan, H Zhang, Y Lu, Z Zeng, M Liu, H Xu, C Gao, LM Zhou, Hao Jin, Z Zhang, ZQ Su, Ultrafast response of spray-on nanocomposite piezoresistive sensors to broadband ultrasound, CARBON, 143, 743-751, 2018
Zeng, ZH; Liu, ML; Xu, H; Liao, YZ; Duan, F; Zhou, LM; Jin, H; Zhang, Z; Su, ZQ, Ultra- broadband frequency responsive sensor based on lightweight and flexible carbon nanostructured polymeric nanocomposites, CARBON, Volume 121, Pages 490–501, Published: SEP 2017
Liu, M, Zeng, Z, Xu, H, Liao, Y, Zhou, LM, Zhang, Z, Su, ZQ Applications of a nanocomposite-inspired in-situ broadband ultrasonic sensor to acousto-ultrasonics-based passive and active structural health monitoring, ULTRASONICS, 78, 166-174, 2017
Zeng, Z; Liu, M; Xu, H; Liu, W; Liao, Y; Jin, H; Zhou, LM; Zhang, Z; Su, Z, A coatable, light-weight, fast-response nanocomposite sensor for the in situ acquisition of dynamic elastic disturbance: from structure vibration to ultrasonic waves, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Volume: 25, Pages: 065005, DOI: 10.1088/0964- 1726/25/6/065005, Published: MAY 2016.
Maosen Cao, Lin Ye, Limin Zhou, Zhongqing Su , Runbo Bai, Sensitivity of fundamental mode shape and static deflection for damage identification in cantilever beams, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Pages: 630-643 Published: 2011.
Xi Lu, Mingyu Lu, Li-Min Zhou, Zhongqing Su, Li Cheng, Lin Ye and Guang Meng, Evaluation of welding damage in welded tubular steel structures using guided waves and a probability-based imaging approach, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURESVolume: 20 Issue: 1 Article Number: 015018 Published: 2011
Wang B, Teng JG, De Lorenzis L, Zhou LM, Ou JP, Jin W, Lau KT, Strain monitoring of RC members strengthened with smart NSM FRP bars, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALSVolume: 23 Issue: 4 Pages: 1698-1711 Published: 2009.
Su ZQ, Yang CH, Pan N, Ye L, Zhou LM, Assessment of delamination in composite beams using shear horizontal (SH) wave mode, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYVolume: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 244-251 Published: 2007.
Pan N, Su ZQ, Ye L, Zhou LM, A quantitative identification approach for delamination in laminated composite beams using digital damage fingerprints (DDFs), COMPOSITE STRUCTURES75 (1-4): 559-570 Sp. Iss. SI SEP 2006.
Su Z, Ling HY, Zhou LM and Ye L, Efficiency of genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for evaluating delamination in composite structures using fibre Bragg grating sensors, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES14 (6): 1541-1553 DEC 22 2005.
Yuan LB, Zhou LM, Jin W, Detection of acoustic emission in structure using Sagnac-like fiber-loop interferometer, SENSORS AND ACTUATORSA-PHYSICAL 118 (1): 6- 13 31 2005.
Su, Z., Zhou, L.-M., Zeng, Z., Liu, M. and Xu, H., A Coated Nanofiller/Polymer Composite Sensor Network for Guided-Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring, US Patent, Patent number: US 2018/0045588 A1, 2018/2/15
Su, Z., Zhou, L.-M., Qiu, L., Xu, H., Zeng, Z. and Liu, M., A Resistance-Voltage Transformation System for Sensors in Dynamic Strain Measurement and Structural Health Monitoring, US Patent, Patent number: US 9863824 B1, 2018/1/9
L.M. Zhou, Y.M.Chan, ZG Lu and HT Huang, A novel method to the in-situ formation of hollow graphitic carbon nanospheres decorating the amorphous carbon nanofibers/nanotubes, China Patent, CN 103088465 B, March 2015, 2013
L.M. Zhou, Y.L. Xu and Z.Q. Li, Adjustable fluid damper with SMA actuators, China Patent, 200610092375.0 (CN 100497993C), June 2009
S.H. Yu, L.M. Zhou, H.T. Huang and Y.Ye, A Method for Preparation of ferroelectric Powdersand Ceramics, US Patent, US-2008-0152530-A1, 2008
L.M. Zhou, Food preparation devices with smart spring (US Patent, 6,686,564) 3 Feb 2004.
L.M. Zhou, B.W. Shiu and A. Young, Vibration actuator, UK Patent, GB2357555, 23 July 2003.
L.M. Zhou, B.W. Shiu and A. Young, Shape memory actuators for toy vehicles, US Patent, 6,390,878, 21 May 2002.