Banners & Videos

  • Scientists make further progress in extreme mechanics of soft materials

    27 2021.12

    Breaking liquid jet into uniform droplets using laser beam

    26 2021.12

    12.20 Happy Birthday ! SUSTech 11th Anniversary Ceremony Gala and Finals of Voice of SUSTech

    20 2021.12

    12.8SUSTech co-organizes 2021 Forum on "The Construction and Manipulation of the Second-Generation of Quantum Systems"

    08 2021.12

    12.6Progress in binocular high-precision optical FPGA based location & navigation system by Liu Wei's team

    06 2021.12

    2021 Aestheitc Education Seminar of National First-class University of Science and Technology

    27 2021.11

    11.12Virtue, Truth, Advance

    12 2021.11

    10.17 2021 Student Association Open Day

    28 2021.10

    10.27 "I love SUSTech" SUSTech Global Language Day 2021

    27 2021.10

    10.25 The 1st SUSTech Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition successfully concluded

    25 2021.10

    2021.10.18 Launching ceremony for Morning Run with Mentors for Fall Semester 2021

    18 2021.10

    SUSTech Zhouguang Lu's team make advances in cathode material for lithium-ion batteries

    22 2021.09