Banners & Videos

  • 11.21“ Science & Technology, Humanity, Future” Campus Sculpture Exhibition held on campus

    21 2020.11

    11.13 6th Annual SUSTech Sports Meeting held

    13 2020.11

    11.12 Scientists gain new insights into magnetic topological materials

    12 2020.11

    11.9 10th Anniversary Celebration Event Highlight | SUSTech Alumni Association organizes friendly badminton game

    09 2020.11

    11.2Project Based Laboratory Teaching in MSE-Batteries for Long-Endurance Drones

    02 2020.11

    01 2020.05

    SUSTech to co-host 2021 THE Innovation & Impact Summit

    23 2020.04

    Breakthrough in asymmetric radical chemistry by SUSTech researchers

    24 2019.10

    Advances in piezocatalysis through SUSTech-led research

    18 2019.10

    Flag raising ceremony

    01 2019.10

    Development of improved electrocatalysts progresses under SUSTech research

    16 2019.09

    Optoelectronic devices improve through undergraduate research

    28 2019.03