
Spiked Eigenvalues of High-dimensional Sample Auto-covariance Matrices: CLT and Applications
Yanrong Yang
2021-05-27 14:30:00
Tencent Meeting ID:479 184 464

Modelling and Control of Queueing Systems with Deceiving Customers
Yuandong Zhan
2021-05-26 10:30:00
Taizhou Building Room 501-1-1 Tencent Meeting ID: 204 238 943

Stabilized Hybrid Mixed Finite Element Method for Poroelasticity
Rui Hongxing
2021-05-26 10:00:00
Zoom: 948 2981 9916 Passcode: 888888

Research on bubble multi-period dynamics characteristics under complex boundary conditions
Tong LI
2021-05-25 15:00:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 940 684 886