Exponential time differencing schemes for Allen-Cahn Equations and their applications in image segmentation problems
Qiao Zhonghua
03-17, 2021, PM 03:30
Zoom ID: 650 6352 7043 Password:324074
Micro-scale flow of blood cells and biomimetic delivery of targeted drugs
Xuejin LI
03-12, 2021, PM 04:00
Room 1019, North Tower, College of Engineering
Quantitative Technology and Mitigation Strategy of Atmospheric Trace Gas Emission
Zheng Bo
03-11, 2021, PM 04:30
Room 804, North Tower, School of Engineering
(中文) Innovation Is the Cornerstone of Success
Zhuang Enyue,
03-05, 2021, PM 04:20
Round Conference Room(4th floor), SUSTech Convention Center(Tencent Meeting ID: 751 846 626)