
Numerical reconstruction of the spatial component in the source term of a time-fractional diffusion equation
JIANG Daijun
12-08, 2020, PM 02:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 140 142 882

Stability of time discretizations for semi-discrete high order schemes for time-dependent PDEs
Chi-Wang Shu
12-08, 2020, AM 11:00
Zoom ID 233 862 5719

The Interface Related Traps in GaN MIS Structures: Physical Properties, Characterization and Modelling
Maojun Wang
12-08, 2020, AM 09:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 943438396

Nanoparticles Based Strategy for Blood-Brain Barrier Crossing and Brain Disease Preclinical Evaluation
Shi Bingyang
12-07, 2020, AM 10:00
Room 324, Taizhou Hall