Impact of electron-phonon coupling on carrier dynamics in lead halide perovskite
Ye Yang
2021.12.30( Thu.),10:30-12:00 am
Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering.
Where New Physics Will (Possibly) Emerge in Cosmology?
Yin-Zhe Ma
Wednesday, December 29, 15:00 -17:30
Room 102, Research Building 2 Tencent Meeting:189 715 116
Bootstrapping Diagnostic Checks on Weak VAR Models
Muyi LI
2021-12-28 14:00-15:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 248 117 430
Design of Supply Modulators for RF Power Amplifier Systems
Xun Liu
Tue. 10:30-11:30 am,Dec.28th
Room 520, Building3, Nanshan i Park Chongwen