Design of Supply Modulators for RF Power Amplifier Systems
Xun Liu
Fri. 10:30-11:30 am,Dec.24th
Room 520, Building3, Nanshan i Park Chongwen
The Impact of Multi-dimensional Proximities on University-Industry Cooperative Innovation: A Case Study of High-tech Industries in Guangzhou
HU Yang
16:00-17:30, December 23, 2021
Room 102, Building C, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Data-Driven Offline Reinforcement Learning Scaling to Real-World Tasks
Guiliang LIU
2021-12-23 14:00-15:00
Room 206, Lychee Hills No.1
Application of high-dimensional statistical theory in large panel data models
Zhaoyuan LI
2021-12-23 10:30-11:30
Room 204, Lecture Hall 1 (Tencent Meeting ID: 375-494-779)