
1/2-estimate for $\overline\partial$ Equations on Strictly Pseudoconvex Domain with Rough Coefficients
Liding YAO
Dec 10, 2021, 09:00-10:00
Zoom ID 929 4079 8484, Passcode 123123

The Rebellious Marquis: The Rise of the Zhou Court in South China from a Frontier Perspective
Kent Cao
16:00-17:30, December 9, 2021
Room 102, Building C, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Generalized Knockoff Procedure for FDR Control in Structural Change Detection
JingYuan LIU
2021/12/09 (Thur.) 15:00-16:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 829 935 817

Dynamics and Manipulation of Multiphase Systems Involving Droplets and Particles
Xiaoyu Tang
10:00-11:00, December 9, 2021
Tencent Meeting ID: 949 348 875