Algebraic Challenges of the Three-Higgs-Doublet Model
Igor Ivanov
Nov 4, 2021, 15:00-15:50
Lecture Room 415, Block 3, Hui Yuan
Modeling, solution and applications based on Brinkman equation
Huangxin Chen
Nov 3, 2021, 10:00-11:00
Tencent Meeting ID 268 383 093
Semiconducting Thermoelectric Materials: Status and Perspectives
Junyou Yang
2021.11.03(Wed.),10:00-11:00 am
Room 529, North Tower, College of Engineering
Patent Proctection and Software Innovation Evidence from Alice
Yu-Kai Lin
Nov 3rd, 2021, Wednesday 9:00AM
Tencent Meeting ID: 111-985-625