
Topological cyclic homology for p-adic local fields
Ruochuan Liu
11-13, 2020, PM 04:30
Room 415, Block 3, Hui Yuan

Thermoacoustic instabilities – taming the “ghost” of aero- and rocket engines
11-13, 2020, PM 04:00
Room 412, Block7, Chuangyuan(Tencent Meeting ID: 532 477 284 )

Supramolecular Polymers Based on Host-Guest Molecular Recognition Motifs
Feihe Huang
11-13, 2020, PM 02:00
Research Building 1

Mapping V4 to Artificial Neurons via Autoencoder Allows Decoding Visual Informaion
Quanying Liu
11-13, 2020, AM 10:00
Conference room 609, Building 10, Innovation Park