
Constraints on the Surface Reactivity of Magnetite due to the Isomorphic Replacement
Liang Xiaoliang
11-12, 2020, PM 04:30
Room 301, Block 2, Wisdom Valley

Network Embedding and Community Detection in Directed Networks
Junhui Wang
11-12, 2020, PM 03:30
Tencent Meeting ID:316 472 869

A Polynomial Algorithm for Best Subset Selection Problem
Xue-Qin WANG
11-12, 2020, PM 02:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 316 472 869

Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and mod p cohomology for GL2
Hu Yongquan
11-10, 2020, PM 02:30
Room 415,Block 3,Hui Yuan(Zoom:697 2562 9748)