
Non-Lagrange Finite Element Approximations of Linear Elliptic Equations in Non-divergence Form and Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman Equations with Cordes Coefficients
Shuonan Wu
09-30, 2020, PM 03:00
Tencent Meeting (ID:632 450 478)

Improve Satellite Image Quality to Support Land Surface Dynamic Monitoring
Zhu Xiaolin
09-29, 2020, PM 04:30
Room 420, Taizhou Hall

Improve Satellite Image Quality to Support Land Surface Dynamic Monitoring
Xiaolin Zhu
09-29, 2020, PM 04:30
Room 420, Taizhou Hall

(中文) Single-neuron representation of learned complex sounds in the auditory cortex
Liao Xiang
09-29, 2020, PM 02:00
Tencent Meeting (ID:654 681 407)