
Development of a Software Pakage for Modelling of Damage and Fracturing Processes in Deep Rocks and its Applications in Data Mining
Xuhai Tang
09-26, 2020, PM 02:30
Room 420, Taizhou Hall

Novel mechanisms controlling bone and cartilage homeostasis
Guozhi Xiao
09-25, 2020, PM 04:30
The second floor of Starbucks Coffee

Calculated Exchange Interactions and Competing S=0 and S=1 States in Doped NdNiO2
Xiangang WAN
09-25, 2020, AM 10:00
Taizhou Hall 502-3

Probabilistic Assessment of Terrestrial Vegetation Vulnerability to Drought Stress of the Loess Plateau in China
Shengzhi Huang
09-24, 2020, PM 04:30
Tencent Meeting (ID: 284 619 986)