
Unique Formation Mechanism of Sulfate during Haze-Fog Events in Chinese Megacities
Jian Xue
12-17, 2019, PM 05:00
Room 420, Taizhou Hall

An unguided tour started from chirality
Shicheng Wang
12-17, 2019, PM 04:30
Room 415, Block 3, Wisdom Valley

Meta-Lens for Sub-Diffraction Limit Focusing
Jinghua TENG
12-17, 2019, PM 03:00
Room 503, Research building 2

Spin, charge, and lattice correlations in cuprate superconductors probed by Resonant inelastic X-ray Scattering
Kejin Zhou
12-17, 2019, PM 02:00
Room 102, Faculty Research Building 2