
Ab initio Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Investigations on the Excited Carriers in Condensed Matter Systems
Jin Zhao
12-13, 2019, PM 02:00
Room 102, Faculty Research Building 2

Passive tracers in the global ocean: observations, simulations and application
Yanchun He
12-13, 2019, AM 11:00
Room 601, Block 9, Innovation Park

Electrochemistry of Single Nanoparticles
Xiuting Li
12-13, 2019, AM 10:00
Room 301, Block 5, Wisdom Valley

Urbanization and Climate Change Implications in Flood Risk Management: multi-criteria approach in developing flood susceptibility maps
Thian Yew Gan
12-12, 2019, PM 04:30
Room 420, Taizhou Hall