Optimal Cell Average Decomposition for High-Order Bound-Preserving Schemes of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Shumo Cui
2022-11-14 9:00
Room 233-B,Taizhou Building
Global Integrability of the Reciprocal of the Jocobian and the (INV) Condition
Zheng ZHU
2022-11-14 9:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 762 8544 4212
Traditional Culture Innovation from the Perspective of Digital Culture Industry
ZONG Zu-pan
2022-11-10 16:00
C102, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Crustal structure of the Hoh-Xil Basin, Tibetan Plateau and its implications for dynamic processes
Lun LI
2022-11-10 16:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 146 112 184