
The Fundamental Physics of the Onset of Frictional Motion: How does Friction Start?
Jay Fineberg
2022-12-1 16:00
Zoom ID: 959 8295 0529,Code: 893275

The Two Faces of Cancer: Lineage Plasticity and Tumor Heterogeneity Confer Targeted Therapy Resistance
Ping Mu
2022-12-1 9:30
Tencent Meeting ID: 786 427 584

Research frontier progress on biodegradable metals
YuFeng Zheng
2022-11-29 16:30
Tencent Meeting ID: 519 240 639

Moduli of algebraic varieties
Caucher Birkar
2022-11-29 16:00
Zoom ID: 920 7313 5240, Passcode: 973824