Talk on Earth’s “neural network”——DAS and its application in seismic wave detection
WANG Zhaoyong
2022-6-13 19:30
Room 559, South Tower, College of Engineering. Tencent Meeting ID:369 641 422
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies of Nanopore Sequencing Based on Two-Dimensional Materials Nanoslits
Jun Fan
2022-6-10 16:00
Room P1078, College of Science. Tencent Meeting ID: 127 302 752
Smart Materials and 4D Printing: From Aerospace to Biomedicine
Jinsong Leng
2022-6-10 15:30
1st floor of North Building,College of engineering
Remote Auditing and Audit Quality: Evidence from the Field
Donghui Wu
2022-6-8 14:00
Tencent Meeting ID:879 323 219