
Optimal singular dividend control with capital injection and affine penalty payment at ruin
Ran Xu
2022-8-26 10:00
Tencent Meeting ID:878 900 323, Passcode:220826

Enhanced Dissipation and Transition Threshold for the 2-D Plane Poiseuille flow via Resolvent Estimate
Shijin Ding
2022-8-23 9:30
Tencent Meeting ID:865 320 007, Passcode:888888

Dynamic mean–variance problem with frictions
Guiyuan Ma
2022-8-22 10:00
Tencent Meeting ID:189 894 505, Passcode:220822

Analysis of Mechano-Chemical Models of Vasculogenesis
Kun Zhao
2022-8-22 10:00
Zoom ID:944 3975 8101, Passcode:888888