陈忠仁,南方科技大学化学系讲席教授,中国国家特聘专家,加州理工学院化学工程与化学博士,师从2005年诺贝尔化学奖得主Grubbs教授和Kornfield教授。在学术界和工业界长期从事高分子设计与可控聚合的理论和实验研究,在高性能聚合物的化学合成、物理表征、材料加工、力学性能与工业化应用领域取得了系列基础科学与工业研发成果,在 Science 等国内外期刊上发表研究论文七十多篇,授权国内国际发明专利几十项。目前承担国家重点研发计划、 国家自然科学基金和深圳市研究项目,讲授化工原理(本科)与高分子物理(研究生)课程。
2016-至今 南方科技大学讲席教授
2011-2016 宁波大学 “包玉刚”讲座教授,材料科学与化学工程学院院长
2009-2011 普利司通集团美国研发中心,首席科学家、核心管理团队成员
2007-2008 普利司通集团阿克伦技术中心先进材料部,首席科学家、核心管理团队成员
2003-2006 普利司通集团美国研发中心,研究科学家、项目总监
2000-2003 普利司通凡事通研究中心,资深科学家
1999-2000 美国霍尼韦尔公司电子材料部博士后
1998-1999 美国斯坦福大学化学系(博士后,导师:Waymouth教授)
1992-1998 美国加州理工学院化学化工部(化工硕士、化工化学博士)
1987-1992 北京工商大学教师(助教、讲师)
1984-1987 浙江大学化工系(工学硕士, 导师:潘祖仁教授)
1980-1984 浙江大学化工系高分子化工专业(工学学士)
[1] 科技部国家重点研发计划,高端功能与智能材料重点专项,高性能医用高分子关键材料技术及产业化(示范应用), 2021
[2] 深圳市科技创新委员会,基础研究,面上项目(面向聚烯烃塑料回收和高性能化的共聚物策略),2021
[3] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目(环烯烃共聚物的制备及光学应用研究),2021
[4] 深圳市科技创新委员会,基础研究, 面上项目(聚环戊烯弹性复合材料的制备和性能) , 2020
[5] 东莞市利群榕兴高分子科技有限公司,横向项目(冷缩电缆附件用的模压和挤出三元乙丙绝缘胶、半导电橡胶和应力胶研究), 2020
[6] 深圳市南山区人力资源局(高性能聚烯烃的绿色制备、加工和应用),2016
[7] 南方科技大学启动项目专项,2016
[8] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目(聚乙烯微结构的精确定制与聚烯烃聚集态结构演变过程的研究), 2013
[9] 化学工程联合国家重点实验室(加工过程对嵌段共聚物增容的影响), 2012
[10] 国家自然科学基金(聚乙烯微结构的精确定制与聚烯烃聚集态结构演变过程的研究),2013.
[11] 宁波市"3315计划"高端创业创新团队(特种高分子新材料, A类), 2012.
[12] 宁波市特种高分子材料制备与应用技术重点实验室,2013.
[13] 宁波市科技计划项目(超强仿生材料技术及其在海洋防灾减灾中的应用),2012
[14] 浙江省重点科技创新团队(新材料的绿色制造和应用团队),2012
[16] 宁波大学-奉化利勇新材料研发中心产学研平台项目,2012
[17] 化学工程联合国家重点实验室基金,2012
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[6] Wiyatno, W.; Chen, Z.-R.; Liu, Y.; Waymouth, R. M.; Krukonis, V.; Brennan, K., Heterogeneous composition and microstructure of elastomeric polypropylene from a sterically hindered 2-arylindenylhafnium catalyst. Macromolecules 2004, 37 (3), 701-708.
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[9] Weng, G.; Yao, H.; Chang, A.; Fu, K.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Z.-R., Crack growth mechanism of natural rubber under fatigue loading studied by a real-time crack tip morphology monitoring method. RSC Advances 2014, 4 (83), 43942-43950.
[10] Yang, Y.; Wang, W.; Chen, T.; Chen, Z.-R., Simultaneous Synthesis and Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles to Three-Demensional Superstructures for Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Detection. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2014, 6 (23), 21468-21473.
[11] Li, W.; Chen, T.; Guan, C.; Gong, D.; Mu, J.; Chen, Z.-R.; Zhou, Q., Influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane structure on the disentangled state of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites during ethylene in situ polymerization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54 (5), 1478-1486.
[12] Song, S.; Miao, W.; Wang, Z.; Gong, D.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis and characterization of precisely-defined ethylene-co-aryl ether polymers via ADMET polymerization. Polymer 2015, 64, 76-83.
[13] Yang, Y.; Yu, F.; Huang, L.; Chen, Z.-R., A facile approach to control metal superstructure architecture with organic thin films. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (9), 7409-7412.
[14] Weng, G.; Chang, A.; Fu, K.; Kang, J.; Ding, Y.; Chen, Z.-R., Crack growth mechanism of styrene-butadiene rubber filled with silica nanoparticles studied by small angle X-ray scattering. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (10), 8406-8415.
[15] Miao, W.; Lv, Y.; Zheng, W.; Wang, Z.; Chen, Z.-R., Epitaxial crystallization of precisely fluorine substituted polyethylene induced by carbon nanotube and reduced graphene oxide. Polymer 2016, 83, 205-213.
[16] Miao, W.; Wang, Z.; Li, Z.; Wang, B.; Zheng, W.; Chen, Z.-R., Epitaxial crystallization of precisely chlorine-substituted polyethylene induced by carbon nanotube and graphene. Polymer 2016, 94, 53-61.
[17] Yu, F., Yang Y., He, D., Gong, D., Chen, Z.-R., Pressure-Sensitive Supported FI Catalyst for the Precise Synthesis of Uni- and Bimodal Polyethylene. Eng. Chem. Res, 2017, 56(16):4684–4689.
[18] Chen Y., Ye Y., Chen, Z.-R. Vapor-based synthesis of bilayer anti-corrosion polymer coatings with excellent barrier property and superhydrophobicity. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(7): 5907–5917.
[19] Liu, X., Chen, T., Yu, F., Shang, Y., Meng, X., Chen, Z.-R. AIE-Active Random Conjugated Copolymers Synthesized by ADMET Polymerization as a Fluorescent Probe Specific for Palladium Detection. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 1224−1232.
[20] Liu X, Shang Y, Chen Z.-R. Vinyl Groups Containing Tetraphenylethylene Derivatives as Fluorescent Probes Specific for Palladium and the Quenching Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 39, 1599-1605.
[21] Dong, Z., Huang, W., Liu, X., Yu, F., Long, C., Feng, S., Lang, L.,Chen Z.-R. Molecular Bottlebrush Supported Mono(phenoxy–imine) Metal Complexes: Synthesis and Ethylene Polymerization. Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 20, 9385–9392.
[22] Liu, Y., Ma, W., Dong, Z., Qiu, N., Ma, L., Chen, Z.-R., Wei, H. Facile Synthesis of Hyperbranched Copolymers via an [A2+ B3] Click Polymerization Synthesized Reducible Hyperbranched Template. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3(12), 6375-6382.
[23] Long, C.; Dong, Z.; Liu, X.; Yu, F.; Shang, Y.; Wang, K.; Feng, S.; Hou, X.; He, C.; Chen, Z. -R. Simultaneous Enhancement in Processability and Mechanical Properties of Polyethylenes via Tuning the Molecular Weight Distribution from Unimodal to Bimodal Shape. Polymer. 2022, 258, 125287.
[24] Long, C.; Dong, Z.; Yu, F.; Wang, K.; He, C.; Chen, Z. -R. Molecular Weight Distribution Shape Dependence of the Crystallization Kinetics of Semicrystalline Polymers Based on Linear Unimodal and Bimodal Polyethylenes. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2023, 5 (4), 2654–2663.
[25] Long, C.; Dong, Z.; Wang, K.; Yu, F.; He, C.; Chen, Z. -R. Molecular Weight Distribution Shape Approach for Simultaneously Enhancing the Stiffness, Ductility and Strength of Isotropic Semicrystalline Polymers Based on Linear Unimodal and Bimodal Polyethylenes. Polymer. 2023, 275, 125936.
[26] Liu, X.; Shi, Z.; Yu, F.; Teng, C.; Zhang, C.; Chen, Z. -R. The Correlation between Thermally Induced Precipitate-to-Coacervate Transition and Glass Transition in a Polyelectrolyte-Bolaamphiphile Complex. Aggregate 2023, 4 (5), 1–10.
[27] Deng, Y.; Sun, H.; Hu, X.; Wang, K.; Long, C.; Yu, F.; Chen, Z. -R. Enhanced Performance of Polybutadiene/Polyisoprene (PB/PI) Blend with Asymmetric PB-b-PI Diblock Copolymers. Macromolecules 2023, 56 (15), 5754–5764.
[28] Dong, Z.; Yu, F.; Long, C.; Luo, L.; Feng, S.; Cao, K.; Chen, Z. -R. Synthesis and Evaluation of Mono(Phenoxy-Imine) Titanium Complexes Attached to a Single Polystyrene Chain End for Ethylene Polymerization. Polymer. 2024, 297, 126834.
[29] Qiu, N.; Sun, Z.; Yu, F.; Wang, K.; Long, C.; Dong, Z.; Li, Y.; Cao, K.; Chen, Z. -R. Chain Shuttling Polymerization for Cycloolefin Block Copolymers: From Engineering Plastics to Thermoplastic Elastomers. Macromolecules 2024, 57, 5729-5738.
[30] 姜博文; 赵传壮; 朱利强; 陈忠仁, 聚苯乙烯填充丁苯橡胶复合材料的制备与性能表征. 材料导报 2015, 29 (4), 69-7398.
[31] 刘智峰; 李妍凝; 孔维龙; 诸婷婷; 包锦标; 陈忠仁, 超临界 CO2 微孔发泡 PE-LLD/PE—UHMW 共混物. 工程塑料应用 2015, 41 (3), 65-71.
[32] 付坤; 翁更生; 闫智敬; 陈忠仁; 尹启彦; 朱敏琪, 气相法白炭黑填充天然橡胶的裂纹扩展机理. 高分子材料科学与工程 2016, 32(4),90-95.