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       郭红卫,讲席教授,博士生导师,“国家杰出青年基金”获得者;2016年受聘为南方科技大学食品营养与安全研究所所长。长期从事植物分子生物学及遗传学方面的研究,在植物激素生物学领域具有很深的造诣。揭示了植物衰老激素乙烯信号转导中一系列的分子及生化机制,在国际上率先建立了乙烯作用的蛋白降解模型和RNA降解模型;揭示了乙烯与多种植物激素(生长素、茉莉素、赤霉素)以及与环境信号(光、胁迫)之间的相互作用机理;在Cell, Science, Nature, PNAS, Plant Cell, Current Biology等国际顶级刊物发表论文数十篇。现为第十一届全国青联常委,中国植物学会青年工作委员会主任,中国植物学会和中国作物学会常务理事,英文学术期刊Mol Plant, PCP, JIPB,JGG等编委。



2001 - 2005  博士后,美国加州Salk Institute

2005 - 2015  教授,北京大学生命科学学院

2016 - 至今  讲席教授,南方科技大学生物系



1988 - 1992 , 理学学士, 植物生理, 南开大学生物系

1992 - 1995 , 理学硕士, 生物技术专业,北京大学生命科学学院

1996 - 2001 , 理学博士, 植物分子生物学专业, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)



◆2014 谈家桢生命科学创新奖

◆2013 中国科协“科学中国人(2012)年度人物

◆2011 第十二届“中国青年科技奖”

◆2009 第十三届“中国青年五四奖章”称号

◆2008 中国植物学会先进青年科技工作者称号

◆2007 第二十二届北京市“五四奖章”标兵称号

◆2006 国家自然科学基金委“杰出青年科学基金”

◆2006 教育部特聘教授


1.Li W., Ma M., Feng Y., Li H., Wang Y., Ma Y., Li M., An F., and Guo H.* (2015). EIN2-directed translational regulation of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis. Cell, 163: 670-683.
2.Zhang X., Zhu Y., Liu X., Hong X., Xu Y., Zhu P., Shen Y., Wu H., Ji Y., Wen X., Zhang C., Zhao Q., Wang Y., Lu J. and Guo H.* (2015). Suppression of endogenous gene silencing by bidirectional cytoplasmic RNA decay in Arabidopsis. Science, 348: 120-123.
1.Peng J., Li Z., Wen X., Li W., Shi H., Yang L., Zhu H. and Guo H.* (2014). Salt-Induced Stabilization of EIN3/EIL1 Confers Salinity Tolerance by Diminishing ROS Accumulation in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics, 10:e1004664
2.Zhang X., Zhu Z., An F., Hao D., Li P., Song J., Yin C., and Guo H.* (2014) Jasmonate-Activated MYC2 Represses ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 activity to antagonize ethylene-promoted apical hook formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26:1105-17.
3.Zhong S., Shi H., Xue C., Wei N., Guo H.* and Deng X.* (2014) An ethylene-orchestrated circuitry coordinates a seedling's response to soil cover and etiolated growth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 111:3913-20. ( *Co-Corresponding)
4.Li Z., Zhao Y., Liu X., Peng J., Guo H.*, and Luo J.* (2014). LSD 2.0: an update of the leaf senescence database. Nucleic Acids Research, 42:D12000-5. ( *Co-Corresponding)
1.Li Z., Peng J., Wen X. and Guo H.* (2013).  ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 is a senescence-associated  gene  that  accelerates  age-dependent  leaf  senescence  by directly repressing miR164 transcription in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25:3311-28
2.Zhang X, Chen Y, Lin X, Hong X, Zhu Y, Li W, He W, An F, Guo H.* (2013) Adenine Phosphoribosyl Transferase 1 is a key enzyme catalyzing cytokinin conversion from nucleobases to nucleotides in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 6:1661-72
3.Song S, Qi T, Fan M, Zhang X, Gao H, Huang H, Wu D, Guo H, Xie D. (2013) The bHLH Subgroup IIId Factors Negatively Regulate Jasmonate-Mediated Plant Defense and Development. PLoS Genet. Jul;9(7):e1003653.
4.Ji Y and Guo H.* (2013). From endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to nucleus: EIN2 bridges the gap in ethylene signaling. Mol Plant. 6:11-4.
5.Zheng D, Han X, An Y, Guo H, Xia X, Yin W. (2013). The nitrate transporter NRT2.1 functions in the ethylene response to nitrate deficiency in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ. Jan 11. doi: 10.1111/pce.12062.
6.Li H, Xu T, Lin D, Wen M, Xie M, Duclercq J, Bielach A, Kim J, Reddy GV, Zuo J, Benková E, Friml J, Guo H, Yang Z.(2013). Cytokinin signaling regulates pavement cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Cell Res. 23:290-9.
7.Kim H., Kwon S., Jang Y., Nam M., Chung J., Na Y., Guo H. and Park O. (2013). GDSL LIPASE1 modulates plant immunity through feedback regulation of ethylene signaling. Plant Phys. 163:1776-91.
1.Wen X, Zhang C, Ji Y, Zhao Q, He W, An F, Jiang L, Guo H.* (2012). Activation of ethylene signaling is mediated by nuclear translocation of the cleaved EIN2 carboxyl terminus. Cell Res. 22:1613-6.
2.Wang Q, Fristedt R, Yu X, Chen Z, Liu H, Lee Y, Guo H, Merchant SS, Lin C. (2012). The γ-carbonic anhydrase subcomplex of mitochondrial complex I is essential for development and important for photomorphogenesis of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 160:1373-83.
3.Zhong S., Shi H., Xue C., Wang L., Xi Y., Li J., Quail P.H., Deng X.*, and Guo H.* (2012). A Molecular Framework of Light-Controlled Phytohormone Action in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 22: 1530-35
4.Men Y., Yu Q., Chen Z., Wang J., Huang Y.* and Guo H.* (2012). A high-throughput imaging system to quantitatively analyze the growth dynamics of plant seedlings. Integrative Biology 4:945-52.
5.Shi Y., Tian S., Hou L., Huang X., Zhang X., Guo H. and Yang S. (2012). Ethylene signaling negatively regulates freezing tolerance by repressing expression of CBF and Type-A ARR genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24:2578-95.
6.Li Z, Peng J, Wen X, Guo H.* (2012). Gene Network Analysis and Functional Studies of Senescence-associated Genes Reveal Novel Regulators of Arabidopsis Leaf Senescence. J Integr Plant Biol. 54:526-39.
7.An F., Zhu Z., Zhang X., Ji Y., He W., Jiang Z., Li M., and Guo H.* (2012). Coordinated regulation of apical hook development by gibberellin and ethylene in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings. Cell Res. 22: 915-27.
1.He W., Brumos J., Li H., Ji Y., Ke M., Gong X., Zeng Q., Li W., Zhang X., An F., Wen X., Li P., Chu J., Sun X., Yan C., Yan N., Xie D., Raikhel N., Yang Z., Stepanova A.N., Alonso J.M. and Guo H.* (2011). A small-molecule screen identifies L-Kynurenine as a competitive inhibitor of TAA1/TAR activity in ethylene-directed auxin biosynthesis and root growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23:3944-60
2.Stepanova A.N., Yun J., Robles L.M., Novak O., He W., Guo H., Ljung K., Alonso J.M. (2011). The Arabidopsis YUCCA1 flavin monooxygenase functions in the Indole-3-Pyruvic Acid branch of auxin biosynthesis. Plant Cell 23:3961-73
3.Zhu Z., An F., Feng Y., Li P., Xue L., A M., Jiang Z., Kim J., To T., Li W., Yu Q., Dong Z., Chen W., Seki M., Zhou J. and Guo H.* (2011). Derepression of ethylene-stabilized transcription factors (EIN3/EIL1) mediates jasmonate and ethylene signaling synergy in Arabidopsis . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108:12539-44.
4.Zhao Q. and Guo H.* (2011). Paradigms and paradox in the ethylene signaling pathway and interaction network. Mol. Plant 4:626-34
5.Li H., Lin D., Dhonukshe P., Nagawa S., Chen D., Friml J., Scheres B., Guo H., Yang Z. (2011). Phosphorylation switch modulates the interdigitated pattern of PIN1 localization and cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaf epidermis. Cell Res. 21:970-8
6.Jiang Z, Liu X, Peng Z, Wan Y, Ji Y, He W, Wan W, Luo J,* Guo H.* (2011). AHD2.0: an update version of Arabidopsis Hormone Database for plant systematic studies. Nucleic Acids Research 39: D1123-9. ( *Co-Corresponding Author)
7.Liu X., Li Z. Jiang Z., ZhaoY., Peng J., Jin J., Guo H*., Luo J.* (2011). LSD: a leaf senescence database. Nucleic Acids Research 39: D1103-7. ( *Co-Corresponding Author)
1.  An F., Zhao Q., Ji Y., Jiang Z., Yu X., Liu Y., Han Y., Zhang C., Zhang S., Ecker J.R., and Guo H.* (2010). Ethylene-Induced Stabilization of ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and EIN3-LIKE1 Is Mediated by Proteasomal Degradation of EIN3 Binding F-Box 1 and 2 That Requires EIN2 in Arabidopsis . Plant Cell 22:2384-401
2.Jiang Z. and Guo H.* (2010). A comparative genomic analysis of plant hormone related genes in different species. J. Genet. Genomics 37:219-30
3.Zhong S., Shi H., Xi Y. and Guo H.* (2010). Ethylene is crucial for cotyledon greening and seedling survival during de-etiolation. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5: 739-42
1.Zhong S., Zhao M., Shi T., Shi H., An F., Zhao Q. and Guo H.* (2009). EIN3/EIL1 cooperate with PIF1 to prevent photo-oxidation and to promote greening of Arabidopsis seedlings. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 21431-36.
2.Peng Z., Zhou X., Li L., Yu X., Li H., Jiang Z., Cao G., Bai M., Wang X., Jiang C., Lu H., Hou X., Qu L.,Wang Z., Zuo J., Fu X., Su Z., Li S., and Guo H.* (2009). Arabidopsis Hormone Database: a comprehensive genetic and phenotypic information database for plant hormone research in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 37: 975-82.
3.Chen H., Xue L., Chintamanani S., Germain H., Lin H., Cui H., Cai R., Zuo J., Tang X., Li X., Guo H., and Zhou J. (2009). ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-LIKE1 repress SALICYLIC ACID INDUCTION DEFICIENT2 expression to negatively regulate plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21:2527-40.
4.Li H., Wong W., Zhu L., Guo H., Ecker J.R., and Li N. (2009). Phosphoproteomic analysis of ethylene-regulated protein phosphorylation in etiolated seedlings of Arabidopsis mutant ein2 using two-dimensional separations coupled with a hybrid quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Proteomics 9:1646-61.
1. Zhu Z. and Guo H.* (2008). Genetic basis of ethylene perception and signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 808-15.
1. Li H. and Guo H.* (2007). Molecular basis of the ethylene signaling and response pathway in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 26: 106-17.
1.Olmedo G., Guo H., Gregory B., Nourizadeh S., Aguilar-Henonin L., Li H., An F., Guzman P., and Ecker J.R. (2006). ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE5 encodes a 5'→3' exoribonuclease required for posttranscriptional regulation of the EIN3-targeting F-box proteins EBF1/2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 103: 13286-93 (* co-first author).
2.An F., and Guo H.* (2006) The Molecular Mechanism of Ethylene Signal Transduction.Chinese Botany Bulletin 23: 531-42.
Before 2005:
1.Guo H. and Ecker J.R. (2004). The ethylene signaling pathway: new insights. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 7: 40-9.
2.Guo H. and Ecker J.R. (2003). Plant responses to ethylene gas are mediated by SCFEBF1/EBF2-dependent proteolysis of EIN3 transcription factor. Cell 115: 667-77.
3.Shalitin D., Yang H., Mockler T., Maymon M., Guo H., Whitelam G., and Lin C. (2002). Regulation of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 by blue light-dependent phosphorylation. Nature 417: 763-7.
4.Guo H., Mockler T., Duong H., and Lin C. (2001). SUB1, an Arabidopsis Ca2+-binding protein involved in cryptochrome and phytochrome coaction. Science 291: 487-90.
5.Guo H., Duong H., Ma N., and Lin C. (1999). The Arabidopsis blue light receptor cryptochrome 2 is a nuclear protein regulated by a blue light-dependent post-transcriptional mechanism. Plant J. 19: 279-87.
6.Mockler T., Guo H., Yang H., Duong H., and Lin C. (1999). Antagonistic actions of the Arabidopsis cryptochromes and phytochrome B in the regulation of floral induction. Development 126: 2073-82.
7.Guo H., Yang H., Mockler T., and Lin C. (1998). Regulation of flowering time by Arabidopsis photoreceptors. Science 279: 1360-3.
8.Lin  C.,  Yang  H.,  Guo  H.,  Mockler  T.,  Chen  T.,  and  Cashmore  A.R.  (1998). Enhancement of blue-light sensitivity of Arabidopsis seedling by a blue light receptor cryptochrome 2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 2686-90.