
中国石油大学(华东),学士 2006.09 ~ 2010.07
中国石油大学(华东),硕士 2010.09 ~ 2013.07
中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,博士 2013.09 ~ 2016.06
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,42204130,三维正交各向异性逆时偏移角道集的生成方法研究,2023-01至2025-12,主持
(2) 中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室,KLOR2018-3,精细模拟天然气水合物的地震响应,2018-10至2019-12,结题,主持
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目,42030802,海森阵近似与真幅值、高分辨率地震成像,2021-01 至 2025-12,在研,参与
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,41330316,绕射波成像与油气藏探测中的小尺度构造识别,2014-01 至 2018-12,已结题,参与
(5) 科技部,国家科技重大专项课题,2017ZX05008-007,深层-超深层油气勘探地球物理技术,2017-01至2020-10,结题,参与
2023年,“The inverse scattering imaging condition for anisotropic reverse time migration”选为《Geophysics》期刊的研究亮点
1. 地震波数值模拟及高性能计算:高阶有限元和有限差分方法,大规模并行算法
2. 地震波传播及成像:逆时偏移成像、最小二乘成像
3. 速度建模:道集及全波形反演
14. Kai Yang, Zhu Feng, Zhengwei Li, Jincheng Xu, and Jianfeng Zhang, Generation of reverse time migration dip gathers with the stabilised Poynting vector and their application in the improvement of subsalt images. Geophysical Prospecting, under review.
13. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Kirchhoff approximation based least-squares reverse time migration.
12. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Reverse time migration angle gathers in acoustic anisotropic media using direction vectors, Geophysics, in press.
11. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2022, The inverse scattering imaging condition for anisotropic reverse time migration, Geophysics, 87(6):S303-S313. (Geophysics Bright Spots)
10. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2022, Determination of the phase-velocity direction in anisotropic media using a direction vector, Geophysics, 87(6):C125-C138.
9. Kai Yang, Xingpeng Dong, Xiaoyi Wang, and Jianfeng Zhang, 2022, Deprimary reverse time migration angle gathers with a stabilized Poynting vector, Geophysics, 87(5):S267-S279.
8. Kai Yang, Xiaoyi Wang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2022, Elastic reverse time migration angle gathers using a stabilized Poynting vector without zero points within the wave propagation range, Geophysics, 87(3):S137-S150.
7. Kai Yang, Xingpeng Dong, Jianfeng Zhang, 2021, Polarity-reversal correction for vector-based elastic reverse time migration, Geophysics, 86(1): S45-S58.
6. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2019, Comparison between Born and Kirchhoff operators for least-squares reverse time migration and the constraint of the propagation of the background wavefield, Geophysics, 84(5): R725-R739.
5. Yongming Lu, Qiancheng Liu, Jianfeng Zhang, Kai Yang, Hui Sun, 2019, Poynting and polarization vectors based wavefield decomposition and their application on elastic reverse time migration in 2D transversely isotropic media, Geophysical Prospecting, 67: 1296-1311.
4. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2018, Least-squares reverse time migration with an angle-dependent weighting factor, Geophysics, 83(3): S299-S310.
3. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Hongwei Gao, 2017, Unstructured mesh based elastic eave modelling on GPU: a double-mesh grid method, Geophysical Journal International, 211(2): 741-750.
2. Yongming Lu, Jianfeng Zhang, Kai Yang, Jinyin Hu, 2017, Vector elastic reverse time migration based on unstructured mesh for 2D tilted TI medium. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 60(12): 4776-4789.
1. Kai Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, 2017, Least-squares reverse time migration based on unstructured grid, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 60(3): 1053-1061.