
何涟,医学院药理学系副教授,博士生导师。2018年于美国德州农工大学获得博士学位,随后在美国德州农工大学生物科学与技术研究所从事博士后研究。2022年5月加入南方科技大学医学院。实验室聚焦合成生物学前沿领域,利用蛋白工程和光-化学遗传学研究细胞及组织生理和病理的分子机制,研发新一代时空精准免疫治疗方案与纳米抗体药物,并开发单细胞水平“光控”基因编辑与药物筛选平台。到目前共发表四十多篇研究和综述论文。第一作者或通讯作者相关成果发表在Nature Cell biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Advanced Science, Nature Communications, elife等国际期刊。
2004.09 – 2008.06 中山大学,生命科学学院,生物技术, 学士
2008.09 – 2011.06 中山大学,生命科学学院,分子进化,硕士
2012.09 – 2018.05 美国德州农工大学,医学院,医学科学,博士
2018.06 – 2022.03 美国德州农工大学,生物科学与技术研究所,博士后
2022.05 – 至今 南方科技大学,医学院,助理教授
2021年 3rd Prize Winner, 34th Annual Symposium, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America-TX,
2021年 3rd Prize Winner, Outstanding Poster Awards (Postdoc), Research Symposium, TAMU
2018年 Best Poster Award, 2018 FASEB Research Conference
2017年 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
2017年 Robert and Anabel Bruce Travel Award, TAMU
2017年 Texas A&M IBT Travel awards, TAMU
2016年 Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, The Welch Foundation
2016年 Outstanding Poster Awards, Gulf Coast Consortia (GCC), Houston
2013年 Outstanding Poster Awards, Texas A&M IBT Research Symposium, TAMU
(#共同第一作者; *共同通讯作者 )
1. Tan P*, Hong T, Cai X, Li W, Huang Y, He L*, Zhou Y*. Optical control of protein delivery and partitioning in the nucleolus. Nucleic Acids Research 2022, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac191.
2. Tan P#, He L#, Huang Y, and Zhou Y. Optophysiology: illuminating cell physiology with optogenetics. Physiological Reviews 2022,102(3):1263-1325.
3. Xie J, Ma G, Zhou L, He L, Zhang Z, Tan P, Huang Z, Fang S, Wang T, Lee YT, Wen S, Siwko S, Wang L, Liu J, Du Y, Zhang N, Liu X, Han L, Huang Y, Wang R, Wang Y, Zhou Y, and Han W. Identification of a STIM1 Splicing Variant that Promotes Glioblastoma Growth. Advanced Science 2022,25;e2103940.
4. He L#, Huang Z#, Huang K#, Chen R, Nguyen N, Wang R, Cai X, Huang Z, Han G, Zhou Y and Jing J. Optogenetic control of non-apoptotic cell death. Advanced Science 2021,8(13):2100424.
5. He L#, Tan P#, Zhu L#, Huang K#, Nguyen N, Wang R, Guo L, Li L, Yang Y, Huang Z, Huang Y, Han G, Wang J and Zhou Y. Circularly permuted LOV2 as a modular photoswitch for optogenetic engineering. Nature Chemical Biology 2021,17(8):915-923.
6. He L*, Tan P, Huang Y*, Zhou Y*. Design of smart antibody mimetics with photosensitive switches.
Advanced Biology 2021,5(5):e2000541.
7. He L, Wang L, Zeng H, Tan P, Ma G, Zheng S, Li Y, Sun L, Dou F, Huang Y, Wang Y, and Zhou Y. Engineering of a bona fide light-operated calcium channel. Nature Communications 2021,12(1):164.
8. Wang T#, He L#, Jing J, Lan TH, Hong T, Wang F, Huang Y, Ma G, and Zhou Y. Caffeine-operated synthetic modules for chemogenetic control of protein activities by life style. Advanced Science 2021,8(3):2002148.
9. Tan P#, He L#, Zhou Y. Engineering supramolecular organizing centers for optogenetic control of innate immune responses. Advanced Biology 2021, 5(5):e2000147.
10. Ma G#, He L#, Liu S#, Xie J, Huang Z, Jing J, Lee YT, Wang R, Luo H, Han W, Huang Y and Zhou Y. Optogenetic engineering to probe the molecular choreography of STIM1-mediated cell signaling. Nature Communications 2020,11(1):1039.
11. Lee YT, He L*, and Zhou Y*. Expanding the chemogenetic toolbox by circular permutation. Journal of Molecular Biology 2020, 432(10):3127-3136.
12. Tan P, He L, Xing C, Mao J, Yu X, Zhu M, Diao L, Han L, Zhou Y, You JM, Wang HY, and Wang RF. Myeloid loss of Beclin 1 promotes PD-L1hi precursor B cell lymphoma development. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2020,130(10):5349-5369.
13. Liu Z#, Li H#, He L#, Yu X, Tian C, Tan P, Li C, Jing J, Tian Y, Du L, Huang Y, Han L, Li M, and Zhou Y. Discovery of small molecule inhibitors of the HSP90-calcineurin-NFAT pathway against glioblastoma. Cell Chemical Biology 2019,26(3):352-65.
14. Zheng S#, Ma G#, He L#, Zhang T, Li J, Yuan X, Nguyen NT, Huang Y, Zhang X, Gao P, Nwokonko RM, Gill DL, Dong H, Zhou Y, and Wang Y. Identification of molecular determinants that govern distinct STIM2 activation dynamics. PLoS Biology 2018,16(11):e2006898.
15. Nguyen NT#, He L#, Martinze-Moczygemba M, Huang Y and Zhou Y. Rewiring calcium signaling for precise transcriptional reprogramming. ACS Synthetic Biology 2018,16;7(3):814-821.
16. He L#, Jing J#, Zhu L#, Tan P, Ma G, Zhang Q, Nguyen N, Wang J, Zhou Y, Huang Y.Optical control of membrane tethering and interorganellar communication at nanoscales. Chemical Science 2017,8(8): 5275-5281.
17. Tan P, He L, Cui J, Cao X, Qian C, Lin M, Xing C, Zhu Q, Li Y, Yu X, Wang Y, and Wang RF. Assembly of the WHIP-TRIM14-PPP6C mitochondrial complex promotes RIG-I-mediated antiviral signaling. Molecular Cell 2017, 68(2):293-307.
18. Tan P, He L, Han G, and Zhou Y. Optogenetic immunomodulation: shedding light on the antitumor immunity. Trends in Biotechnology 2016,35(3):215-226.
19. He L#, Zhang Y#, Ma G#, Tan P#, Li Z, Zang S, Wu X, Jing J, Fang S, Zhou L, Wang Y, Huang Y, Hogan PG, Han G, and Zhou Y. Near-infrared photoactivatable control of Ca2+ signaling and optogenetic immunomodulation. eLife 2015,4:e10024.
20. Jing J#, He L#, Sun A, Quintana A, Ding Y, Ma G, Tan P, Liang X, Zheng X, Chen L, Shi X, Zhang SL, Zhong L, Huang Y, Dong MQ, Walker CL, Hogan PG, Wang Y, and Zhou Y. Proteomic mapping of ER–PM junctions identifies STIMATE as a regulator of Ca2+ influx. Nature Cell Biology 2015,17(10):1339-1347. #Featured in News & Views by Nature Cell Biology.
21. Ma G#, Wei M#, He L#, Liu C, Wu B, Zhang SL, Jing J, Liang X, Senes A, Tan P, Li S, Sun A, Bi Y, Zhong L, Si H, Shen Y, Lee MS, Zhou W, Wang J, Wang Y, and Zhou Y. Inside-out Ca2+ signaling prompted by STIM1 conformational switch. Nature Communications 2015,6: 7826.