
研究副教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于武汉大学,2012年获武汉大学博士学位。2012-2018年任中国科学院国家天文台助理研究员,2018-2021年任中山大学副研究员。先后于2010-2011年赴香港理工大学,2016-2017年赴日本北海道大学开展合作研究。长期从事行星物理大地测量和空间物理方面的研究工作。作为核心科学家成员深度参与了我国“嫦娥一号”到“嫦娥四号”月球探测任务的项目预研、地面试验、数据处理与科学应用工作,也是我国“天问一号”火星探测任务科学研究团队成员。迄今在Geophysical Research Letters, The Astrophysical Journal, Journal of Geophysical Research, Icarus等国际期刊上发表论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金及国家重大专项子课题4项,参与国家及省部级科研项目5项,授权3项国家发明专利,参与制定3项国家标准。担任《Journal of Geophysical Research》,《Earth, Planets and Space》等期刊审稿人。
2006-2012, 博士, 武汉大学
2008-2010, 访问学者, 中国科学院国家天文台
2010-2011, 访问学者, 香港理工大学
2002-2006, 学士, 武汉大学
2018-2021, 副研究员, 中山大学, 行星环境与宜居性研究实验室
2018-2021, 访问学者, 南方科技大学, 地球与空间科学系
2016-2017, 访问学者, 日本北海道大学, 地球与行星科学系
2012-2018, 助理研究员, 中国科学院国家天文台, 月球与深空探测研究部
国家自然科学基金专项项目: 月球断层产状与动力学研究,2023-2023,主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目: 月球极区物质密度分布模型及撞击坑均衡状态研究, 2014-2016, 主持
国家重大专项探月二期科研项目子课题: 月球重力场与月球内部结构和动力学的研究, 2014, 主持
国家重大专项探月二期科研项目子课题: 科学探测场景重构的验证试验, 2014, 主持
国家重大专项探月三期科研项目子课题: 图像数据光度校正和彩色复原方法研究, 2015, 主持
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题: 撞击坑退化状态的定年方法研究, 2020-2024, 骨干
国家国防科技工业局项目: 火星大气空间辐射环境的研究, 2020-2022, 参与
国家自然科学基金重大项目: 月球早期撞击事件研究, 2015-2019, 参与
国家自然科学基金青年项目: 深空探测多视光学影像超分辨率重建方法研究, 2019-2021, 参与
国家自然科学基金青年项目: 联合多源探测数据的月球极区控制网构建方法研究, 2016-2018, 参与
1. Wang WR, Yang J, Toffoletto F, Wolf R, Nakamura R, Cui J. (2022). Current sheet thinning in the wake of a bubble injection. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100737
2. Wei D, Yang J, Liu CM, Zhang F, Wang WR, Sun WQ, Successive Westward Traveling Surges Driven by Sequential Plasma-Sheet Bubble Injections. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100774.
3. Wang WR, Yang J, Nishimura Y, Sun WQ, Wei D, Zhang F, Toffoletto F, Wolf R, Sazykin S, Angelopoulos V, Cui J. (2021). Magnetospheric source and electric current system associated with intense SAIDs. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093253.
4. Wei D, Zhang F, Yang J, Wang WR, Sun WQ, Cui J, Angelopoulos V. (2021). A Magnetospheric Driver of Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095539.
5. Wang WR, Yang J, Nishimura Y, Wolf, R, Toffoletto F, Angelopoulos, V, et al. (2021). Effects of ion slippage in Earth's ionosphere and the plasma sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091494.
6. Sun WQ, Sadeghzadeh S, Yang J, Wang WR, Cui J. (2021). Development of Multiple Injection Channels during a Sawtooth Substorm Event. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094097.
7. Sadeghzadeh S, Yang J, Wang C-P, Mousavi A, Wang WR, Sun WQ, Toffoletto F, Wolf R. (2021). Effects of bubble injections on the plasma sheet configuration, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029127.
8. Wang WR, Yang J, Wang YF, Shi QQ, Cui J. (2020). Spatially quasi-periodic finger-like aurora during substorms. The Astrophysical Journal, 897, 149, 1-10.
9. Nishimura Y, Yang J, Weygand J, Wang WR, Kosar B, Donovan E, Angelopoulos V, Paxton L, Nishitani N. (2020). Magnetospheric conditions for STEVE and SAID: Particle injection, substorm surge and field-aligned currents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027782.
10. He ZG, Yu J, Chen LJ, Xia ZY, Wang WR, Li K, & Cui J. (2020). Statistical study on locally generated high-frequency plasmaspheric hiss and its effect on suprathermal electrons: Van Allen Probes observation and quasi-linear simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA028526.
11. Yang J, Wolf R, Toffoletto F, Sazykin S, Wang WR, Cui J. (2019). The Inertialized Rice Convection Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 10294–10317.
12. Yao MJ, Cui J, Wu XS, Huang YY, Wang WR. (2019). Variability of the Martian ionosphere from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment, Earth and Planetary Physics, 3, 283-289.
13. Liu JJ, Li CL⁎, Wang WR⁎, Zeng XG, Mu LL, Yang YM. (2019). Extraction of lunar domes from Chang'E-2 data with new method. Icarus, 321, 29-33.
14. Ren X, Liu JJ, Li CL, Li HH, Yan W, Wang FF, Wang WR, Zhang XX, Gao XY, Chen WL. (2019). A Global Adjustment Method for Photogrammetric Processing of Chang’E-2 Stereo Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57, 9, 6832 - 6843
15. Cui J, Wu XS, Xu SS, Wang XD, Wellbrock A, Nordheim TA, Cao YT, Wang WR, Sun WQ, Wu SQ. (2018). Ionization efficiency in the dayside Martian upper atmosphere. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 857, L18.
16. Wang WR, Heki K. (2017). Subsurface structures of buried features in lunar Procellarum region. Icarus, 291, 75-81.
17. Wang WR, Ren X, Wang FF, et al. (2015). Terrain Reconstruction from Chang’E-3 PCAM Images. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15, 7, 1057-1067.
18. Yan W, Liu JJ, Ren X, Wang FF, Wang WR, Li CL. (2015). Orbit optimization of Chang’E-2 by global adjustment using images of the moon. Advance in Space Research, 56, 2389-2401.
19. Zou XD, Li CL, Liu JJ, Wang WR, Li H, Ping JS. (2014). The preliminary analysis of the Toutatis snapshots of the Chang’E-2 flyby. Icarus, 229, 2, 348-354.
20. Liu JJ, Ren X, Zou XD, Wang WR, Mu LL, Li CL. (2012). Positioning of the CE-1’s impact site based on CCD image data photographed during the controlled impact on the Moon. Science China Earth Science, 55, 83–89.
21. Wang WR, Li F, Liu JJ, et al. (2010). Triaxial ellipsoid models of the Moon based on the laser altimetry data of Chang’E-1. Science China Earth Science, 53, 11, 1594–1601.
22. Wang WR, Li F, Yan JG, et al. (2009). Wavelet multi-scale analysis on gravity anomaly and inner structure of the Moon. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 52, 7, 1693-1699.
23. Ke BG, Li F, Wang WR. (2009). Analysis of the lower mantle thickness and core size of lunar based on the solution of the Lane-Emden equation. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 52, 5, 1208-1213.
24. Li F, Ke BG, Wang WR. (2009). Estimation of the ancient lunar crust thickness from the admittance. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 52, 8, 2001-2007.
25. Wang WR, Li F. (2008). Research and development of the Lunar exploration. Progress in Geophysics, 23, 6, 1751-1757.