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xux3@ sustech.edu.cn

徐翔,2018年于香港城市大学获得博士学位,后于香港城市大学担任博士后研究员,现为南方科技大学副教授,研究员。主要研究领域包括时滞系统控制与分析、协同控制、无穷时滞系统控制与分析、非线性系统与控制和偏微分方程的边界控制。共发表一作SCI论文13篇,其中10篇发表在控制领域两大顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) 和 Automatica,包括4篇长文。同时,徐翔博士在博后期间帮助导师指导博士生进行多智能体系统和时滞系统方面的研究,先后指导的四位博士生均在高水平期刊上发表了论文,其中两位博士凭借这些成果分别获得了国内著名大学的教职。徐翔博士获得了2022年优秀青年基金(海外)。


2014.09-2018.08 博士 机械与生物医学工程系,香港城市大学

2010.09-2014.06 学士 钱学森学院,南京理工大学


2023.02-至今       副教授(研究员) 系统设计与智能制造学院,南方科技大学

2022.12-2023.02 副教授(研究员) 电子与电气工程系,南方科技大学

2022.06-2022.12 访问学者 电子与电气工程系,南方科技大学

2018.09-2021.10 博士后研究员 生物医学工程系,香港城市大学




2018.10 2018年香港城市大学杰出博士论文奖

2018.09 香港城市大学优秀学术表现奖

2018.09 2018年关肇直奖短名单入围

2017.09 香港城市大学优秀学术表现奖

2017.09 香港城市大学研究生奖学金



1. X.Xu, L. Liu*, M. Krstic, and G. Feng, “Stabilization of chains of PDE–ODE cascades”, Automatica, vol.148, Article 110763, 2023.

2. X.Xu, L. Liu*, M. Krstic, and G. Feng, “Low-gain compensation for PDE-ODE cascade systems with distributed diffusion and counter-convection”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, early access, doi:10.1109/ TAC.2022.3170371.

3. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Lyapunov characterizations on input-to-state of infinite-delayed systems”, Automatica, vol. 146, Article 110585, 2022. (Regular Paper)

4. X.Xu, L. Liu*, M. Krstic, and G. Feng, “Stability analysis and predictor feedback control for systems with unbounded delays”, Automatica, vol.135, Article 109958, 2022. (Regular Paper)

5. X.Xu, L. Liu*, M. Krstic, and G. Feng, “Predictor feedback and integrator backstepping of linear systems with distributed unbounded delays”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.32, no.6, pp. 3281-3291, 2022. (Special issue in honor of Prof. Vladimir Kharitonov’s 70th birthday)

6. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “On Lipschitz conditions of infinite dimensional systems,” Automatica, vol.117, p. 108947, 2020.

7. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Stability and stabilization of infinite delayed systems: A Lyapunov based Method,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, pp.4509-4524, 2020. (Full Paper)

8. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Consensus of linear multi-agent systems with distributed infinite transmission delays: A low gain method,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, pp.809-816, 2020.

9. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Semi-global stabilization of linear systems with distributed infinite input delays and actuator saturations,” Automatica, vol.107, pp.398-405, 2019.

10. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*(invited), “Consensus of single integrator multi-agent systems with unbounded transmission delays,” Journal of System Science and Complexity, vol. 32, no.3, pp. 778-788, 2019.

11. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Stabilization of linear systems with distributed infinite input delays: A low gain approach,” Automatica, vol. 94, pp. 396–408, 2018. (Regular Paper)

12. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Consensus of discrete-time linear multiagent systems with communication, input and output delays,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63, no.2, pp. 492-497, 2018.

13. X.Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Consensus of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems with communication time-delays,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no.8, pp. 1820-1829, 2017.


1.  Y. Guo, X. Xu, L. Liu, Y. Wang* and G. Feng, “Stabilization of discrete-time linear systems with infinite distributed input delays”, Automatica, accepted.

2. Q.Zhou, X. Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “A Lyapunov approach to robust cooperative output regulation of multiagent systems under infinite communication delays”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted.

3. C.Bi, X. Xu, L. Liu and G. Feng*, “Formation-containment tracking for heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems under unbounded distributed transmission delays”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, accepted.

4. S.Luo, X. Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Leader-following consensus of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems with communication time-delays via adaptive distributed observers”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, early access, doi:10.1109/TCYB.2021.3115124.

5. Y.Guo, X. Xu, L. Liu, Y. Wang and G. Feng*, “New results on stability and stabilization of discrete-time systems with infinite delays”, Automatica, vol. 136, 110043, 2022.

6.C.Bi, X. Xu, L. Liu and G. Feng*, “Robust cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous uncertain linear multi-agent systems with unbounded distributed transmission delays”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.67, no.3, pp. 1371-1383, 2022. (Full Paper)

7. Q.Zhou, X. Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Output feedback stabilization of linear systems with infinite distributed input and output delays”, Information Science, vol. 576, pp. 54-67, 2021.

8. C.Bi, X. Xu, L. Liu and G. Feng*, “Output containment control of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with unbounded distributed transmission delays”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, early access, doi:10.1109/ TCYB.2021.3050177.

9. S.Luo, X. Xu, L. Liu, and G. Feng*, “Output consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with communication, input and output time-delays,” Journal of Franklin Institute, vol. 357, pp. 12825-12839, 2020.

10. X.Yu, X. Xu, L. Liu*, and G. Feng, “Circular formation of networked dynamic unicycles by a distributed dynamic control law,” Automatica, vol. 85, pp. 1-7, 2018.


控制理论与控制工程方向招收博士、博士后、研究助理及访问学者,有多智能体系统、时滞系统及偏微分方程方向研究经历者优先,详情请联系xux3@ sustech.edu.cn或者 xiangxu5-c@my.cityu.edu.hk