
姓名:曾娅玲 性别:女 民族:土家 籍贯:湖北利川
E-mail: zengyaling@hotmail.com, zengyl@sustech.edu.cn
2023年2月—至今 南方科技大学 研究助理教授
2021年1月—2023年1月 南方科技大学 博士后
2012年3月—2013年6月 中国农业科学院 实验员
2016年9月---2020年12月 西安交通大学/瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院 联合培养博士
2013年9月---2016年03月 华北电力大学 硕士
2008年9月---2012年06月 湖北民族大学 学士
1. Fuel、Environment International、Atmospheric Environment、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Aerosol Science and Engineering、Atmospheric Pollution Research特邀审稿人
2. 中国颗粒物学会青年委员
1. 2022年1月 南方科技大学校长卓越博士后
2. 2020年12月 西安交通大学优秀毕业生干部
3. 2016年4月 北京市优秀毕业研究生
4. 2014年10月 研究生国家奖学金
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于超高分辨率质谱非选择性分析的城市大气关键生色棕碳分子识别,2022.01-2024.12,30万元,主持;
2. 第69批博士后面上基金,基于人体血清蛋白结合作用的PM2.5有机分子联合毒性研究,2021.06-2023.01,8万元,主持;
3. 深圳市可持续发展专项,城市大气复合污染条件下神经退行性疾病的风险因子筛查控制技术研究与应用示范,2023.11-2026.11,300万元,子课题负责人;
4. 孔雀团队,城市大气环境高时空分辨监测与健康预警平台,2022.10-2027.09,1500万,参与
1. 大气颗粒物的气候效应
2. 大气颗粒物人体健康效应
1) Zeng Y, Zhang A, Yang X, Xing C, Zhai J, Wang Y, Cai B, Shi S, Zhang Y, Shen Z, Fu TM. Internal exposure potential of water-soluble organic molecules in urban PM2. 5 evaluated by non-covalent adductome of human serum albumin. Environment International. 2024 Feb 10:108492.
2) Zeng Yaling, Ning Yanli, Shen Zhenxing; Zhang Leiming, Zhang Tian, Lei Yali, Zhang Qian, Li Guohui, Xu Hongmei, Ho Steven Sai Hang, Cao Junji. The Roles of N, S, and O in Molecular Absorption Features of Brown Carbon in PM2.5 in a Typical Semi‐Arid Megacity in Northwestern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2021, 126, (16)
3) Zeng Y, Shen, Z., Takahama, S., Zhang, L., Zhang, T., Lei, Y., ... & Cao, J. Molecular absorption and evolution mechanisms of PM2.5 brown carbon revealed by electrospray ionization‐Fourier‐transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry during a severe winter pollution episode in Xi’an, China. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL087977.
4) Zeng Y, Shen, Z., Zhang, T., Lu, D., Li, G., Lei, Y., ... & Xu, H. (2018). Optical property variations from a precursor (isoprene) to its atmospheric oxidation products. Atmospheric Environment, 193, 198-204.
5) Zeng Y, Shen, Z., Lei, Y., Zhang, T., Zhang, Q., Xu, H., ... & Liu, Y. (2018). PAHs in fine particles over Xi'an, a typical northwestern city in China: sources, distribution, and controlling factors. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 20(9), 1262-1272.
6) Zeng Y, Lan Wang, Long Jiang, Xiaoyu Cai, Yu Li. Joint Toxicity of Lead, Chromium, Cobalt and Nickel to Photobacterium Phosphoreum at No Observed Effect Concentration. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 2015, 95(2):260-264.
7) Zeng Y, Long Jiang, Xiaoyu Cai, Yu Li. Identification of the Characteristic Vibrations for 16 PAHs Based on Raman Spectrum. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2014, 34(11):2999.
8) Zhang A, Zeng Yaling*, Yang X, Zhai J, Wang Y, Xing C, Cai B, Shi S, Zhang Y, Shen Z, Fu TM. Organic matrix effect on the molecular light absorption of brown carbon. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023 Dec 28;50(24):e2023GL106541.
9) Zhang, Q., Shen, Z., Zhang, L., Zeng, Yaling., Ning, Z., Zhang, T., ... & Westerdahl, D. (2020). Investigation of Primary and Secondary Particulate Brown Carbon in Two Chinese Cities of Xi’an and Hong Kong in Wintertime. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(7), 3803-3813.
10) Xiaohui Zhao, Zeng Y, Youli Qiu, Yu Li. Vibration Identification of PAHs Molecular Raman Signatures Based on Group theory. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis.2017, 37(7)
11) Yu Li, Zeng Y; Long Jiang, Xiaoyu Cai. 16 PAHs identification combined with Raman and infrared spectra signature through density functional theory. International conference on Human Health and Medical Engineering. 2014:615-620.
12) Long Jiang, Zeng Y, Xiaoyu Cai, Yu Li. Electron Transition Mechanism of para-Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers Based on TD-DFT. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2014, 35(5):627-636.
13) Youli Qiu, Zeng Y, Long Jiang, Yu Li. Identification of the Raman Characteristic Spectrum Vibrations for Various PAEs Based on Benzene Solvent Effect. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2015, 36(8):976-982.
14) Xin Wang, Zhenxing Shen, Zeng Y, Fobang Liu, Qian Zhang, Yali Lei, Hongmei Xu, Junji Cao, Liu Yang. Day-night differences, seasonal variations and source apportionment of PM10-bound PAHs over Xi’an, northwest China. Atomosphere,2018
15) Long Jiang, Jingya Wen, Zeng Y, Yu Li. Investigation on Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Binding Affinity QSAR Model of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Based on Substituent Descriptors/Quantum Chemical Parameters. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 27(2):575-581.
16) Ying Chen, Chen Zhang, Zeng Y, Yu li. Sodium Alginate/Ultrasonic-Assisted Biodegradation of Oestrogens in Soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(4):1535-1542.
17) Xiaoyu Cai, Long Jiang, Zeng Y, Yu Li. Prediction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Derivatives Toxicity Studies Based on Density Functional Theory. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2013, 34(12):1667-1671.
18) Yu Li, Xiaoyu Cai, Zeng Y, Long Jiang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons quantitative structure–activity relationship model based on quantum chemical parameters through density functional theory. International conference on Human Health and Medical Engineering. 2014:607-614.
19) Baoli Sun, Hong Shan, Yanhua Li, Zeng Y, XiuLi Shen, Chengfeng Tong. Simultaneous determination of 6 neonicotinoid residues in soil using DLLME-HPLC and UV. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2013, 33(9), 2553.
20) Yu Li, Long Jiang, Xiaoyu Cai, Zeng Y. Toxicity comparison of para-halogenated diphenyl ethers from views of polarizability and frontier molecular orbital. Human Health & Medical Engineering, 2014.
21) Zhenxing Shen,Yali Lei, Leiming Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Zeng Y et al.(2017). Methanol extracted brown carbon in pm 2.5, over xi’an, china: seasonal variation of optical properties and sources identification. Aerosol Science & Engineering, 1(2), 57-65.
22) Sun Jian, Zhenxing Shen, Zeng Y, Xinyi Niu et al. (2018). Characterization and cytotoxicity of pahs in pm 2.5, emitted from residential solid fuel burning in the guanzhong plain, China. Radiation Research, 241, 359-368.
23) Gong, Xuesong, Zhenxing Shen, Qian Zhang, Zeng Y, Jian Sun, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Yali Lei et al. "Characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) source profiles in urban PM2. 5 fugitive dust: A large-scale study for 20 Chinese cites." Science of The Total Environment 687 (2019): 188-197.
24) Tian Zhang; Leiming Zhang; Di Lu; Qian Zhang; Qingcai Chen; Yali Lei; Zeng Y; Hongmei Xu; Junji Cao. Optical properties, chemical functional group, and source identification of humic-like substances in PM2.5 over Xi'an, China, Atmospheric Research, 234, 104784.
25) Yali Lei; Tian Zhang; Di Lu; Zeng Y; Qian Zhang; Hongmei Xu; Naifang Bei; Xin Wang; Junji Cao. High time resolution observation of PM2. 5 Brown carbon over Xi'an in northwestern China: Seasonal variation and source apportionment. Chemosphere, (2019) 237, 124530.
26) Yali Lei; Zhenxing Shen, Kun He; Lijuan Li; Yiming Qin; Zeng Y; Jianjun Li; Hongmei Xu; Yongjing Ma; Tian Zhang; Liu Yang; Ningning Zhang; Junji Cao. The formation and evolution of parent and oxygenated-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during a severe winter haze-fog event over Xi’an, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (under review)
27) Zhang Tian, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Shasha, Lei Yali, Zeng Yaling, Sun Jian, Zhang Qian, Ho Steven Sai Hang, Xu Hongmei, Cao Junji. Optical properties, molecular characterizations, and oxidative potentials of different polarity levels of water-soluble organic matters in winter PM2.5 in six China's megacities.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022. 853,158600
28) Huang Shasha, Luo Yu, Wang Xin, Zhang Tian, Lei Yali, Zeng Yaling, Sun Jian, Che Huizheng, Xu Hongmei, Cao Junji, Shen Zhenxing. Optical properties, chemical functional group, and oxidative activity of different polarity levels of water-soluble organic matter in PM2.5 from biomass and coal combustion in rural areas in Northwest China. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2022.283,119179
29) Zhang Qian, Li Ziyi, Shen Zhenxing, Zhang Tian, Zhang Yujie, Sun Jian, Zeng Yaling, Xu Hongmei, Wang Qiyuan, Ho, Steven Sai Hang, Cao, Junji. Source profiles of molecular structure and light absorption of PM2.5 brown carbon from residential coal combustion emission in Northwestern China. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2022, 299,118866
30) Wang Y, Xing C, Cai B, Qiu W, Zhai J, Zeng Y, Zhang A, Shi S, Zhang Y, Yang X, Fu TM. Impact of antioxidants on PM2. 5 oxidative potential, radical level, and cytotoxicity. Science of The Total Environment. 2024 Feb 20;912:169555.
31) Yang X, Huang S, Li D, Xu H, Zeng Y, Yang L, Wang D, Zhang N, Cao J, Shen Z. Water-soluble organic matter with various polarities in PM2. 5 over Xi'an, China: Abundance, functional groups, and light absorption. Particuology. 2024 Jan 1;84:281-9.
32) Shi S, Zhai J, Yang X, Ruan Y, Huang Y, Chen X, Zhang A, Ye J, Zheng G, Cai B, Zeng Y. Determining chemical composition of atmospheric single particles by a standard-free mass calibration algorithm. EGUsphere. 2023 Dec 4;2023:1-8.
33) Zhai J, Yu G, Zhang J, Shi S, Yuan Y, Jiang S, Xing C, Cai B, Zeng Y, Wang Y, Zhang A. Impact of ship emissions on air quality in the greater bay area in china under the latest global marine fuel regulation. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023 Aug 8;57(33):12341-50.
34) Luo Y, Zeng Y, Xu H, Li D, Zhang T, Lei Y, Huang S, Shen Z. Connecting oxidative potential with organic carbon molecule composition and source-specific apportionment in PM2. 5 in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2023 Aug 1;306:119808.
35) Huang S, Yang X, Xu H, Zeng Y, Li D, Sun J, Ho SS, Zhang Y, Cao J, Shen Z. Insights into the nitroaromatic compounds, formation, and light absorption contributing emissions from various geological maturity coals. Science of The Total Environment. 2023 Apr 20;870:162033.
36) Xing C, Wang Y, Yang X, Zeng Y, Zhai J, Cai B, Zhang A, Fu TM, Zhu L, Li Y, Wang X. Seasonal variation of driving factors of ambient PM2. 5 oxidative potential in Shenzhen, China. Science of The Total Environment. 2023 Mar 1;862:160771.
37) Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Wu Z, Zhang B, Zeng Y, Sun J, Xu H, Wang Q, Li Z, Cao J, Shen Z. Enhanced behaviors of optical properties and the radiative effects of molecular-specific brown carbon from dung combustion in the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 2022 Dec 20:1-28.
38) Zhang T, Shen Z, Huang S, Lei Y, Zeng Y, Sun J, Zhang Q, Ho SS, Xu H, Cao J. Optical properties, molecular characterizations, and oxidative potentials of different polarity levels of water-soluble organic matters in winter PM2. 5 in six China's megacities. Science of The Total Environment. 2022 Dec 20;853:158600.
39) Huang S, Luo Y, Wang X, Zhang T, Lei Y, Zeng Y, Sun J, Che H, Xu H, Cao J, Shen Z. Optical properties, chemical functional group, and oxidative activity of different polarity levels of water-soluble organic matter in PM2. 5 from biomass and coal combustion in rural areas in Northwest China. Atmospheric Environment. 2022 Aug 15;283:119179.
40) Zhang Q, Li Z, Shen Z, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Sun J, Zeng Y, Xu H, Wang Q, Ho SS, Cao J. Source profiles of molecular structure and light absorption of PM2. 5 brown carbon from residential coal combustion emission in Northwestern China. Environmental Pollution. 2022 Apr 15;299:118866.
41) Zhang B#, Sun J, Jiang N, Zeng Y#, Zhang Y, He K, Xu H, Liu S, Ho SS, Qu L, Cao J. Emission factors, characteristics, and gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2. 5 emitted for the typical solid fuel combustions in rural Guanzhong Plain, China. Environmental Pollution. 2021 Oct 1;286:117573.
1) Yu Li, Long Jiang, Qiao Zou, Yaling Zeng. Computational chemistry and its applications in the research of organic compounds. Liaoning Education Press, 2017