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长期从事基元化学反应动力学实验研究,通过发展量子调控与精密测量等技术以及自主研发科学仪器,研究低温离子分子反应动力学及化学反应中的量子效应等,揭示化学反应的微观机理。在ScienceNature ChemistryJPC Letters 等期刊上发表论文三十余篇,申请发明专利十余项。






1. Xiao, Y.#; Peng, Y.#; Chen, L.#; Li, C.; Song, Z.; Wang, X.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.; Zhao, B.*; Yang, T.*. Two-dimensional cooling without repump laser beams through ion motional heating. Commun. Phys. 2024, 7 (1), 423.

2. Xiao, Y.#; Wen, L.#; Li, Z.#; Han, J.; Wu, W.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.*; Yang, T.*. Overtone Excitation of Nitrogen Molecules via Stimulated Raman Pumping. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15 (46), 11510-11516.

3. Liu, Q.-H.; Zhang, H.; Wen, L.; Xie, Y.; Yang, T.*; Cheng, C.-F.*; Hu, S.-M.; Yang, X. Preparation of High Vibrational States in the Entire Molecular Beam. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15 (39), 9926-9931.

4. Xie, Y.#; Han, J.#; Wen, L.#; Li, Z.; Xiao, Y.; Wang, T.; Yang, X.; Yang, T.* Enhanced Total Vibrational Excitation Yield in a Slow Narrow-Pulsed Hydrogen Molecular Beam. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 51, (14), 11603-11609.

5. Yang,T.#;  Li, A.#; Chen, G.; Yao, Q.; Suits, A.;  Guo, H.*; Hudson, E. R.*; Campbell, W.*, Isomer-specific kinetics of the C+ + H2O reaction at the temperature of interstellar clouds. Sci. Adv. 2021. 7, eabe4080.

6. Yang, T.*; Zhao, B.*; Chen, G. K.; Guo, H.; Campbell, W.; Hudson, E. R. Determining reaction pathways at low temperatures by isotopic substitution: the case of BeD+ + H2O.  New J. Phys. 2021. 23, 115004.

7. Yang,T.; Yang, X.*. Quantum resonances near absolute zero. Science. 2020. 368, 582-583.

8. Yang,T.#; Huang, L.#; Xiao, C.#; Chen, J.; Wang, T.; Dai, D.; Lique, F.; Alexander, M. H. *; Sun, Z. *; Zhang, D. H.; Yang, X. *; Neumark, D. M*. Enhanced reactivity of fluorine with para-hydrogen in cold interstellar clouds by resonance-induced quantum tunnelling. Nat. Chem. 2019, 11, 744-749.

9. Yang, T.*; Li, A.*; Chen, G. K.; Xie, C.; Suits, A. G.; Campbell, W. C.; Guo, H.; Hudson, E. R. Optical Control of Reactions between Water and Laser-Cooled Be+ Ions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 3555-3560.

10. Yang, T.#; Chen, J.#; Huang, L.; Wang, T.; Xiao, C.*; Sun, Z.*; Dai, D.; Yang, X.*; Zhang, D. H*. Extremely Short-Lived Reaction Resonances in Cl + HD (v = 1) → DCl + H Due to Chemical Bond Softening. Science. 2015, 347, 60-63.