Yury Illarionov教授于1988年出生于列宁格勒(现圣彼得堡)。他在Peter the Great St-Petersburg Polytechnic University (俄罗斯)学习固体物理学,并分别于 2009 年和 2011 年在其获得理学学士和理学硕士学位。2010 年到 2012 年,他获得(FAME) Erasmus Mundus奖学金项目,在Grenoble INP(法国)和University of Augsburg(德国)学习先进材料科学,并于 2012 年 9 月 获得先进材料科学欧洲硕士学位(双硕士学位)。 2015 年 1 月,他获得了Ioffe Institute(俄罗斯)的半导体物理学博士学位,并于 2015 年 12 月获得了 TU Wien(奥地利)的第二个博士学位。2016-2022 年,他一直在 TU Wien(奥地利)微电子研究所担任博士后研究员,一直以来大家知道该研究所有一个很强的 TCAD 模拟中心,但也由于 Yury Illarionov教授在 二维电子学的开创性研究而在世界范围内被熟知。 Yury Illarionov 教授已发表了 90 多篇论文,包括在 Nature Electronics、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano 等顶级期刊上发表的论文(其中第一作者或通讯作者超过 25 篇)。2020年获得IEEE高级会员称号,并担任金砖国家青年科学家论坛俄罗斯官方代表。他还拥有非常广泛的国际合作网络,其中包括来自俄罗斯、中国、美国、德国和其他国家的顶尖科学家。Yury Illarionov教授于2023年4月加入南方科技大学。
更多关于Yury Illarionov教授的介绍可以查看Google scholar:https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=1OgaLoQAAAAJ&hl=en
2015年12月 获得技术科学博士学位 (Dr. tech.) Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria.
2015年1月 获得物理和数学科学(半导体物理学) 博士学位 Ioffe Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia.
2012年9月 获得先进材料科学欧洲硕士学位(第二个硕士学位)Erasmus Mundus FAME Master Program, Grenoble INP, France (2010-2011) and University of Augsburg, Germany (2011-2012), Diploma internship: Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), Singapore (February-July 2012).
2011年6月 获得工程和科技(技术物理学)硕士学位 [卓越毕业生] Peter the Great St-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St-Petersburg, Russia, Diploma internship: Ioffe Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia.
2009年6月 获得工程和科技(技术物理学)学士学位 [卓越毕业生] Peter the Great St-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St-Petersburg, Russia, Diploma internship: Ioffe Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia.
2023年4月至今 南方科技大学材料科学与工程系 副教授
2016年1月至2022年12月 维也纳Institute for Microelectronics (TU Wien) 博士后研究员
2013年1月至2015年12月 维也纳Institute for Microelectronics (TU Wien) 博士
2011年11月至2015年1月 圣彼得堡Ioffe Institute 博士
2023 Co-supervisor of Hannspeter-Winter Prize for a dissertation with innovation character and outstanding scientific quality
2022 Co-supervisor of Austrian Federal President award for academic excellence
2021 Co-supervisor of IEEE Electron Devices Society PhD Student Fellowship recipient
2020 Nature Communications paper featured by Editors & in top 50 Physics papers of 2020
2020 Member of Russian delegation in BRICS Young Scientist Forum (Material Science panel)
2020 Co-supervisor of Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC)
2020 IEEE Senior Member
2019 Best poster award at the 4th International Conference on Physics of 2D Crystals (ICP2DC4), Hangzhou, China
2010 Erasmus Mundus scholarship award by the European Commission
2005 Gold medal award “for outstanding academic achievements” at high school (given by the Russian Ministry of Education)
二维材料为纳米级FETs和其它不需要极小尺寸的电子器件(如光电和传感器)提供了巨大的机会。然而,所有这些器件还需要合适的栅极绝缘体,这些绝缘体将与 2D 通道形成清晰的界面,包含低密度缺陷并允许在技术可行的温度下进行可扩展的增长。
Yury Illarionov 教授的团队专注于为不同类型的二维器件寻找合适的绝缘体,并致力于以下研究主题:
- 制备具有不同二维通道和新型绝缘体(如氟化物和天然氧化物)的场效应晶体管、光电探测器和传感器
- 在广泛的温度范围内对这些器件的性能和可靠性进行高级表征
- 器件性能和可靠性的高级 TCAD 模拟,以最终确定哪些绝缘体和 2D 通道的组合能够实现最具竞争力的晶体管、光电探测器和传感器
- 为最有前景的器件开发可扩展的制备技术,这也符合技术上可行的热预算(与行业合作对于这个主题特别有价值)
1. Knobloch T.$, Uzlu B., Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Wang Z., Otto M., Filipovic L., Waltl M., Neumaier D., Lemme M.*, Grasser T.*, “Optimizing the Stability of FETs Based on Two-Dimensional Materials by Fermi Level Tuning”, Nature Electronics, 5(6), 356-366 (2022).
2. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Knobloch T.$, Grasser T.*, “Inorganic Molecular Crystals for 2D
Electronics”, Nature Electronics, 4, 870-871 (2021). [News and Views]
3. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Knobloch T.$, Grasser T.* “Crystalline Insulators for Scalable 2D, Nanoelectronics”, Solid-State Electronics, 108043, 185 (2021).
4. Knobloch T.$*, Illarionov Yu.Yu., Ducry F., Schleich C., Wachter S., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Mueller T., Waltl M., Lanza M., Vexler M.I., Luisier M., Grasser T.* “The Performance Limits of Hexagonal Boron Nitride as an Insulator for Scaled CMOS Devices Based on Two-Dimensional Materials”, Nature Electronics, 4 (2), 98-108 (2021). $Co-supervised PhD student
5. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Knobloch T., Grasser T.* “Native High-k Oxides for 2D Transistors”, Nature Electronics, 3(8), 442 (2020). [News and Views]
6. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Knobloch T., Lanza M., Akinwande D., Vexler M.I., Mueller T., Lemme M., Fiori G., Schwierz F., Grasser T.*, “Insulators for 2D Nanoelectronics: the Gap to Bridge”, Nature Communications, 11, 3385 (2020). [Featured by Editors, Top 50 Physics articles in 2020]
7. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Banshchikov A.G., Polyushkin D.K., Wachter S., Knobloch T., Thesberg M., Vexler M.I., Waltl M., Lanza M., Sokolov N.S., Mueller T., Grasser T.*, “Reliability of Scalable MoS2 FETs with 2nm Crystalline CaF2 Insulators”, 2D Materials, v.6, p. 045004 (2019).
8. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Banshchikov A.G., Polyushkin D.K., Wachter S., Knobloch T.$, Thesberg M., Stoeger-Pollach M., Steiger-Thirsfeld A., Vexler M.I., Waltl M., Sokolov N.S., Mueller T., Grasser T.*, “Ultrathin Calcium Fluoride Insulators for Two-Dimensional Field-Effect Transistors”, Nature Electronics, v. 2, pp. 230-235 (2019).
9. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Knobloch T.$, Waltl M., Rzepa G., Pospischil A., Polyushkin D.K., Furchi M.M., Mueller T., Grasser T.*, “Energetic Mapping of Oxide Traps in MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors”, 2D Materials, v.4, No. 2, 025108 (2017).
10. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Waltl M., Rzepa G., Knobloch T.$, Kim J.-S., Akinwande D., Grasser T., “Highly-Stable Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors with Low Density of Oxide Traps”, npj 2D Materials and Applications, v.1, 23 (2017).
11. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Smithe K.K.H., Waltl M., Knobloch T.$, Pop E., Grasser T., “Improved Hysteresis and Reliability of MoS2 Transistors with High-Quality CVD Growth and Al2O3 Encapsulation”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, v. 38, No. 12, pp. 1763-1766 (2017).
12. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Waltl M., Rzepa G., Kim J.-S., Kim S., Dodabalapur A., Akinwande D., Grasser T.*, “Long-Term Stability and Reliability of Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors”, ACS Nano, v. 10, No. 10, pp. 9543–9549 (2016).
13. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Rzepa G., Waltl M., Knobloch T., Grill A., Furchi M.M., Mueller T., Grasser T.*, “The Role of Charge Trapping in MoS2/SiO2 and MoS2/hBN Field-Effect Transistors”, 2D Materials, v. 3, No. 3, 035004 (2016).
14. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Smith A.D.*, Vaziri S.*, Ostling M.*, Mueller T.*, Lemme M.C.*, Grasser T.*, “Hot Carrier Degradation and Bias-Temperature Instability in Single-Layer Graphene Field-Effect Transistors: Similarities and Differences”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, v. 62, No. 11, pp. 3876–3881 (2015).
15. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Bina M.*, Tyaginov S.*, Rott K.*, Kaczer B.*, Reisinger H.*, Grasser T.*, “Extraction of the Lateral Position of Border Traps in Nanoscale MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, v. 62, No. 9, pp. 2730–2737 (2015).
16. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Vexler M.I., Karner M., Tyaginov S.E., Cervenka J., Grasser T., “TCAD Simulation of Tunneling Leakage Current in CaF2/Si(111) MIS Structures”, Current Applied Physics, v. 15, pp. 78-83 (2015).
17. Illarionov Yu.Yu., Smith A., Vaziri S., Ostling M., Mueller T., Lemme M., Grasser T., “Bias-Temperature Instability in Single-Layer Graphene Field-Effect Transistors”, Applied Physics Letters, v. 105, No. 14, 143507 (2014).
18. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Vexler M.I., Fedorov V.V., Suturin S.M., Sokolov N.S., “Electrical and Optical Characterization of Au/CaF2/p-Si(111) Tunnel-Injection Diodes”, Journal of Applied Physics, v. 115, 223706 (2014).
19. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Vexler M.I., Fedorov V.V., Suturin S.M., Sokolov N.S., “Light Emission from the Au/CaF2/p-Si(111) Capacitors: Evidence for an Elastic Electron Tunneling through a Thin (1-2 nm) Fluoride Layer”, Thin Solid Films, v. 545, pp. 580-583 (2013).
20. Illarionov Yu.Yu.*, Vexler M.I., Suturin S.M., Fedorov V.V., Sokolov N.S., Tsutsui K., Takahashi K., “Electron Tunneling in MIS Capacitors with the MBE-Grown Fluoride Layers on Si(111) and Ge(111): Role of Transverse Momentum Conservation”, Microelectronics Engineering (Open special issue “INFOS 2011”), v. 88, No. 7, pp. 1291-1294 (2011).