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中国南方科技大学,社会科学中心,副教授 Associate Professor, Social Science Centre, The Southern University of Science and Technology


2011, 澳大利亚国立大学博士学位(人类学)PhD (Anthropology), The Australian National University.
2004, 云南大学硕士学位(民俗学)Master of Arts (Folklore studies), Yunnan University.
1997, 云南大学学士学位(新闻学)Bachelor of Arts (Journalism), Yunnan University.



2014. 英文专著Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic (华盛顿大学出版社,2014) 被国际亚洲学者大会(ICAS)授予2013-2015“最佳英文社会科学图书奖”



1. 社会和文化人类学(Social and Cultural Anthropology)

2. 影视人类学和感官民族志(Visual Anthropology and Sensory Ethnography)


2017年-今:南方科技大学社会科学中心副教授 Associate Professor, Social Science Centre, The Southern University of Science and Technology
2013-2016:澳大利亚国立大学中华全球研究中心博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University.
2004 - 2013:云南大学新闻系讲师 Lecturer at Department of Journalism, Yunnan University.
1997 - 2001:昆明电视台记者编辑 Reporter and editor, Kunming Television Station, Yunnan.


学术发表PUBLICATIONS 除特别标注外,均系独立发表

·  专著

2014. Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press. (2015国际亚洲学者大会授予“最佳英文社会科学图书奖”)  

2023. 生熟有道:普洱茶的山林、市井和江湖. 上海:华东师范大学出版社 


·  学术期刊编辑


2023.3 专栏特邀主编. “跨文化、年轻化和现代化”.文化遗产(2).中山大学教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地期刊.

2022. (Guest editor) Special Issue, “Reinventing a Tradition: East Asian Tea Cultures in the Contemporary World”. Asian Journal of Social Science 50 (3). https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/asian-journal-of-social-science/vol/50/issue/3


·  学术期刊论文 

2024. 年轻之味:从潮州和深圳看中国都市年轻世代的感官及社会消费品味.中国饮食文化 20 (1): 7-38. https://www.fcdc.org.tw/summary/Vol.20-No.1,-2024-i.694  TSSCI, THCI, ACI

2024. 一碗见人情.信睿周报132: 8-10.

2023a. 偏离、回归和杂食:潮州年轻人对传统遗产的多重取向.文化遗产(2):101-108. CSSCI

2023b. 主持人语.跨文化、年轻化和现代化:和“传统”对话的三个面向.文化遗产(2):91. CSSCI

2022a. Hybridity with exclusion: Chinese tea rebrewed in Australia. Asian Journal of Social Science. 50 (3): 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajss.2022.08.006  SSCI

2022b. (As second author of the Introduction and co-editor of the Special Issue, with Shuenn-Der Yu) Reinventing a Tradition: East Asian Tea Cultures in the Contemporary World. Introduction to the Special Issue. Asian Journal of Social Science 50 (3):167-170. DOI:10.1016/j.ajss.2022.06.006   SSCI

2022c. 喝茶与拍摄:丢失的味觉?徐菡编,影视人类学:田野的科学与纪录片的艺术,国际影视人类学论坛2018实录,81-85页,北京:学苑出版社.

2022d. “两条腿走路”:影像和文本民族志的平行创作.民族艺术4: 43-52. DOI:10.16564/j.cnki.1003-2568.2022.04.003  CSSCI

2021a. 茶气和茶韵:中国式的“味感”表述. 文化遗产(6):98-106.  CSSCI

2021b. 茶味和民族志的留白. 信睿周报62 (22): 18-20.

2021c.  “A sense of life”: the abstruse language of taste in Chinese culture. Food, Culture  & Society. Published online first on 3 September. DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2021.1971437  SSCI

2020a. Rituals, discourses, and realities: serious wine and tea tasting in contemporary China. Journal of Consumer Culture 20 (4): 637-655 DOI: 10.1177/1469540518773812  SSCI

2020.b “一心一意”:拍摄者与被拍摄者的“共感”. 上海大学学报(社会科学版)37(3):37-48.  CSSCI

2019a. 工夫茶遗产的边缘化和游动性. 遗产. 南京:南京大学出版社,第一辑:293-311.

2019b. 丢失的味觉?人类学拍摄的感官迷失与探索. (台南艺术大学)南艺学报 18: 1-20.

2018a. A Transnational flow of art of tea: the paradox of cultural authenticity in Taiwan.  The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 19 (1): 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2017.1400090  SSCI

2018b.合作、游戏、观看与反思:关于露天流动电影放映的观察式拍摄与反思.广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)40 (5): 32-41.  CSSCI 

2018c. [第二作者] 郭建斌, 张静红, 张翎, & 陈静静."视觉展演": 中国农村电影放映实践的文化阐释——基于滇川藏"大三角"地区的田野研究. 新闻与传播研究 (4): 57-75.  CSSCI

2017a. Tasting tea and filming tea: the engaged sensory experience of the filmmaker. Visual Anthropology Review 33 (2): 142-152. DOI: 10.1111/var.12132   (Top journal on visual anthropology, under American Anthropological Association) 

2017b. 茶会和葡萄酒会:中国当代消费之社会政治论述初探. 中国饮食文化. 13 (1): 75-119.   TSSCI, THCI, ACI

2016a. 流动、聚合与区隔:台湾茶艺发展中的矛盾和动力.台湾人类学刊. 14 (1): 55-87. TSSCI, ACI, Scopus

2016b. 重构的正宗性: 普洱茶跨时空的“风土”. 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 48 (4): 22-33. CSSCI

2015.  Losses and gains to the anthropological soul, The Newsletter of IIAS  no.72 Autumn: 31, Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies.

2014. 两次参与式教学的实践与反思, 影视人类学论坛(4): 17-22.

2012a. “In between ‘the raw’ and ‘the cooked’: the cultural speculation and debate on Puer tea in contemporary China”, Harvard Asia Quarterly, Spring/Summer, vol. XIV, no.1 & 2: 44-52

2012b. “The interaction between visual and written ethnography in subtitling”, Visual Anthropology, 25 (5): 439-449. (Top journal on visual anthropology)

2012c. Puer tea and rural transformation: a case study in Yiwu Yunnan [in English], Shiyuan Wang ed. Collected Works on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, vol.2, 80-97, Kunming: Yunnan  University Press.

2010a. 正山茶的悔憾:从易武乡的变迁看普洱茶价值的建构历程.中国饮食文化[J].  6 (2):103-144. TSSCI, THCI, ACI

2010b. Multiple visions of authenticity: Puer tea consumption in Yunnan and other places, Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture, 6 (1): 63-106. TSSCI, THCI, ACI

2007.田野合作中的互视:怒江茶马古道上的一次影视纪录分析,郭建斌编,文化适应与传播,180- 198页,昆明:云南大学出版社.

2004a. 田野合作中的期待:怒江茶马古道上的一次影视纪录分析.民族艺术研究3: 69-76 CSSCI

2004b. 神话的不完美崇拜. 云南社会科学 3: 134-136. CSSCI

2003. 神话发展中的理性思维. 玉溪师范学院学报5: 48-50.


·  译作(英译中)

2016. 国家戏剧:埃及的电视政治, 北京:商务印书馆. [第一作者. 张静红,郭建斌], from Lila Abu-Lughod, Dramas of Nationhood: The Politics of Television in Egypt, 2005, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

2020. 影视人类学的趋向:政治、美学和认识论”, 原作者梅捷·帕斯特玛,电影艺术 390 (1):68-72. CSSCI


· 网上发表

2015. Wine-tasting Chinese Tourists in Australia’, The China Story Journal, Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU, 4 May.


2012. No good buttered tea, no good work’, New Mandala, 30 September. http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2012/09/30/no-good-buttered-tea-no-good-work/

2008. Puer tea: store with care’, New Mandala, 10 June. http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2008/06/10/puer-tea-store-with-care/

2006. Tea is a serious business, New Mandala, 14 July, online at  http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2006/07/14/tea-is-a-serious-business/

·  书评

2015. Review of Cultural Heritage Politics in China, Tami Blumenfield and Helaine Silverman eds, New York: Springer, 2013, The China Journal 73: 235-237.


· 本人独立拍摄和制作的人类学电影

2023. Concentration. 60 minutes.

2016. [中英双语] 放电影A Screening Journey, 60 minutes, 北京:民族音像出版社 

2014a Twice Puer Tea in Hong Kong, 15 minutes. University of Washington Press (UWP).

2014b Spring Harvest, 29 minutes. UWP.

2014c Visiting Yiwu, Tasting History, 30 minutes. UWP.

2014d Spring Tasting, 35 minutes. UWP.

2014e Authentic Tea, 24 minutes. UWP.

2014f Walking on Two Legs, 23 minutes. UWP.

2014g Tasting Ancient & Modern. 6 minutes. UWP.

2014h Rough Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. UWP.

2014i Fine Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. UWP.

2012. The Taste of Puer Tea, 44 minutes, Göttingen: Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival, 9-14 May 2012.

2003. [中英双语] 开机,走吧!Action, Go! 39 minutes. 昆明:云南大学硕士研究成果之一


注:影片 2014a-i 与英文专著共同出版,可通过华盛顿大学出版社网上链接观看



· 参与的电影项目

2021-今. 潮州青年消费文化-纪录影像,南方科技大学,任导演、制片及研究者

2019-今. 西双版纳空调使用及环境变迁纪录影像,南方科技大学,任导演、制片及研究者

2012. 滇川藏大三角露天流动电影项目,云南大学, 担任拍摄、编辑及研究者

2003, 2005, 2011. 云之南人类学影像展,担任翻译、手册编辑及部分主持

2005. 澳大利亚Ronin Films贵州纪录片项目“传教士先祖”,任项目助理、翻译

2003. 田壮壮导演纪录片《德拉姆》,任场记

2003-2004. 澳大利亚影视人类学家Judith MacDougall纪录片Art of Regret,任顾问、翻译及第二摄像